-llxgrace(Where is my cow?);
爱一个人并不一定要在一起...HAVE FUN AND LET HIM GO.........这会是段GOOD MEMORY. 现在放手,你心理上已经WIN了,是最好的时候,他跟你越正式,你会对他要求越多的...最后的结果你们3方会相互咬得遍体鳞伤...而伤得最重的,肯定是你....
Honestly speaking, you lack of self-respect and self-dignity. As a normal woman and human being, you should have a right to have a good life.Why you put yourself into this kind of situation ? If I were you , I will try to date with that western guy. As long as he is a decent people, I will give it try.
As you see, there are many mixed race marriage in here , most of them have happy life.