Same here. iamnotsure (ilovehiking) gets the point.
Very well said. If GG cares MM very much and wants to spend the rest of the life together, GG won't guilt MM into driving him to the ariport and NO phone call to MM to see if she is home safely. Sigh.
故事中,我似乎很难发现对方清晰、主动,真诚的爱,只是一种对女主人公喜欢,间或稀罕好奇和欣赏。个人很为女孩子可惜,没有见过男人,可是喜欢一个人是没有办法的,就看个人运气如何了。有时候,人不太要聪明。还有,觉得文章把单身妈妈陷于了一个不好的境况,我认识的很多女士,无论剩女还是单身妈妈,都是很洁身自好,没有文章里说的那样。哈哈,MY TWO CENTS, HOPE YOU DON'T GET OFFENDED. GOOG LUCK & NICE DAY.
MM is so funny... Obviously, she is 调侃剩男众生相: ...If one doesn't see himself in the above chapters,don't worry,he will show up here or in the next.Haha...Good job... 加油.