Why should I 肯定又要想到别处去? where would my mind go? I never judge you for your whole 3 stories...and I said "各人评说,何必如此在意? -woshijiachun(闻风相悦); 11.17 22:19 (#5687884@0)" hey, man, you must have confused me with sb. else.
但是往往忍让,才能换取双方总和利益的最大,虽然这意味着己方要损失更大承受更多。这才是真正的刚强-------------I couldn't agree more. 葱GG, now I have more and more clearer idea about you...not only the lovely song.
sigh...a man with a decent heart yet don't know much about women, or maybe not sensitive enough...后知后觉,有时不如不知不觉