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工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我于2月份一共递交了6所加拿大大学(Degree of Master in Engineering)的申请材料和申请费,迄今未收到一封拒绝信或录取信,难免有些着急。有谁与我遭遇相似吗?希望过来人或知情者指点。我认为不外乎以下三种原因:
其三:有竞争力的申请者已经得到Offer,我被排在waiting list 的候补行列,校方将视已经得到接受信的申请者是否真正接受offer的情况,决定候补申请人是否录取。
me too! have applied for 7, 4 left. wish both of us have good luck!
I also applied 6 MSc, rejected by Mcmaster and the other 5 had
no information till now. I am nervous!!!
May I ask you what major are you applying for in McMaster?And When did send your full application package to them?
I applied for M. A.Sc in ECE in Jan.
Don't worry, you still have a lot of chance. My suggestion is that you'd better contact with admission office about your application status.Sometime, your application is passed by admission office and is sent to faculty members for their reviewing. Normally, they are busy this time or have other reasons. If this were true, the secretary in admission office maybe reply your inqury and tell this siutation to you. Then, you get chance to contact with faculty member directly.........
For Master of engineering application, this shold be easier than Master of Applied Science application because the later one needs have a advisor for thesis
me,too. I also appled 6 universities. one rejected, others still don't give any messages. I am worried.
Surely every university will give you a reply. My understanding is that if no any resoponse right now, it means you still have chances there.Last Sep. I applied for Master of Applied Science, till Apr. this year I got the response from UoT, they intended to offer me a Master Engineering program. Other univsersities replied they would keep my application package for Sept 2002 admission.