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枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 通过工行牡丹国际卡从国内带来了一些美元,该卡快到期了。想取出时,问了2家银行都说只能取出本地货币加元,(目前美元兑加元显然太亏了)。请问有何良策,是否只能申请Visa签证到美国一趟,这样可取出当地货币美元,暂时保值?
Withdraw U.S Currencyfrom my understanding, you can transfer the money from your VISA into your current account, on the condition that your current account is U.S currency account.
However, you should be aware the fact that you cann't transfer any amount exceed to $$$ due to chinese foreign currency transfering to oversea restriction.
I have done the transaction for " Guang Fa" visa issued by bank of Guang Fa through TD bank. not 100% sure about your visa.
good luck
need pay service charge? Heard of long time ago they charge a definite percentage out of that
Thank you, Bondexpert and Guestatcanada. I'll ask TD bank to try that way. BTW, I know the service charge by 工商银行 is 1%. Maybe I have to pay extra charge for TD bank if I can transfer it successfully.
As i know, TD won't charge you on service fee, about chinese bank will---charge you more 1%, probably around 3% on transfering fee.
caculate and make sure the benefit for doing that outweights exchange rate for canadian currency
good luck
Restriction -- 这正是我的疑惑,现在得到证实了。以前谁都不提这个。