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工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我在国内专业是自控,但一直做c++程序员工作,没有任何证书。到这里来后,运气不错,仍在一家小公司做程序员工作,但薪水压得很低。已经一年了。想提高自己考证书,请问考什么证书最好?
还有想多学点东西防身用,java 或者 oracle developer, 哪一个更好一些, 还是两个都学?
Obviously, two certificates are better than one. But working experience is much important than any certificate. What I would suggest is to learn something that may apply to your current or future job andget a certificate if you want. If you have the realated working experience, you don't need a certificate at all to secure your job. Anyway, working experience counts more than certificate. If you really want a certificate, I would suggest you go to oracle and self-teach the java since you have the background as a c++ programmer. It is not difficult for you to understand java.
谢谢。我也打算业余花上几个月攻下java. 至于oracle developer 是不是需要上专门的课,自学可以吗?
I think so. As long as you can get the textbook. That's how my friend got the certificate.
3ks. 先学容易的,把java 搞熟。
You can learn it by yourself. Following web site provides some teaching materials