1-给网站的地方,我以前的同事去过,说挺好的。2- last summer, went to Muskoka with Church friends. The details need to call him after work.
-miss_helen_2000(miss lala);
The camping team was about 10 people last summer. Team members are all adults, 3 days costs around $200/person. We brought food, and cooked by ourselves. It was organized very well. Schedule as following - Hope it help!!!1st night , Friday left in the late afternoon, arrive in the night. Ate & slept.
2nd day, Sat. went to Kayak in the morning, cooked dumpling in the evening.
3rd day : Sunday. Went to Hiking the trail, and hot tub after return to the cottage.
4th day : Monday . Clean and tidy the cottage after got up. Left the cottage and return to home around noon.
-miss_helen_2000(miss lala);