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工作学习 / 求学深造 / 在新一期的商业周刊, 美国以外的top 10 MBA school, 加拿大四所学校入围, 令人瞩目的是Queens的MBA名列第二, 仅次于法国名校Insead. 名列欧洲管理学院(IMD)和伦顿商学院(LBS)之前. 多大第五, 西安大略第六, 约克也入围了, 名列第十.1. INSEAD (Twin campuses in Singapore and Fontainebleau, France)
2. Queen's School of Business (Kingston, Ontario)
3. IMD (Lausanne, Switzerland)
4. London Business School (London, UK)
5. University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario)
6. University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario)
7. HES Rotterdam Business School (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
8. IESE (Barcelona, Spain)
9. HEC (Paris, France)
10. York University (Toronto, Ontario)
That's a great news for us who want to apply canadian business schools. Question: Why Queens ranks so higher this year since it was at second tire last year?
how can london business school behind queens? unbelievable.
MBA ranking is not totally objective. It depends on the sample chosen for the survey. Take it as the only base seems unwise. Location, quality and duration of program, overall reputation, placement rate, etc. all matter.
以前Queens是second tier觉得有些不平, 不过现在排第二, 有点过. Queens的MBA风格和IMD很相似的, 不过个人感觉比IMD还是差一截的, Queens和西安略与多大是有一拼的. 看起来商业周刊对加拿大的学校要比欧洲的倾斜一些.
这个是和经济形势有关的。比如 Ivey 侧重 General Management。在经济繁荣时期,去做 Consulting, Enterpreneur,这样的训练就很有益处。毕业生工作也好找,报酬也高。学校的排名就靠前了。现在是经济萧条时期。用人单位更注重专业技能。专业上有特长的学校就显出长处来了。