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工作学习 / 专业技术讨论 / any telecom guys? does providers maintain or have access of client's(operators) database? or you have your own database, is it regarding the ticket tracing orcustomer info. i'm wondering, since we are b2b industry, we always have only 1 or 2customers, is it too little to establish database? or we extract data from clients' database (if they have any) for analysis.
what is the question?
sorry, 我的意思是: 电信设备供应商在做一个省 (比如说广东省) 的项目时, 有没有自己的DATABASE? 如果有, 是存储什么样的INFO? 因为我在想, 这是B2B行业, 客户只有一个, 比如说中国联通, 会有必要或者说足够的数据量, 来建一个DATABASE吗? 相反, 对于运营商联通来说就是B2C, 他们就一定要用DATABASE来存储和管理大量手机用户INFO. 所以, 供应商是有ACCESS权来做必要的市场/设备等的分析吗?
vendor only keep inventory, don't care and have no authority having subscrigers information.
so only inventory management uses database in ventor's side? nothing else deals with database
Vendors have no access to operator's database normally, but support team ,ay have it on troubleshooting porpuse only. the inventory is not you calledinventory management which ia OSS function. The inventory I mentioned is for sales record which is useful for system upgrading / expansion or support later on.
多谢了! 那除了备件管理用DATABASE外, 运营维护可不可以建立DATABASE, 记录客户的TICKET/COMPLAINT之类的做TRACING/分析呢?安装扩容割接基本不会用的着DATABASE吧?
如果你是新开发的系统, 如果觉得值得, 客户叫你开发什么, 你就开发什么, 如果客户不说要什么, 说你先做做看, 就是泡你....
不太明白, 请教: 我是说VENDOR在自己的售后服务SUPPORT时, 可否用数据库来追踪管理COMPLAINT/TICKIT, 以做以后分析或备份用,CARRIER为什么要管呢