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工作学习 / 专业技术讨论 / 请教vc编程问题:一个控件很多的模式对话框运行时,按start按钮想让这个对话框变成一个比较小的对话框,给显示区留出更大空间。小对话框上只有暂停、停止按钮,按任何一个返回到大的对话框。怎么实现呢?相关的函数?
I don't know if there is any easier way to do this. what I know is:1. add a line control, position it so when it is displayed, your dialog is of the smaller size.
2. when you want to show the smaller dialog size, use CDialog::MoveWindow( ), specify the RECT so that it only can show up to your line control.