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工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 英雄,IBM WSAD中,请问javax.jms 在那个jar file 中?对Weblogic来说,JMS 的implementation 文件名相同否?如果问题不对,见笑。谢谢!
想请教,对Weblogic来说,初始化JMS时有一个propertity file, 里边定义了些环境变量(偶不是什么明白)。但在WSAD中,没有地方定义such file.请教是如何Initial Context的?偶老是遇到Factory 错.或是什么context 不能init.
根本还没有到send/receve Q呢!能不能发给偶一个WSAD中的JMS的sample, 或指教一下什么地方出错。偶在SUN J2EE, 和Weblogic中做 JMS都可以,就是在WSAD中过不了, 万分沮丧ING!
Look inside.I'm not sure which version of WSAD you are using. Websphere is a little different with Weblogic which embed JMS support. In Websphere usually you need install MQSerials or OpenJMS etc stuff and their Java package, setup JNDI context in these product, then configue your Websphere server or test server that reference these JNDI resources. That's it.
-smallrainrain(小雨雨 俺是酒仙);
nike, I am sorry, Actually I could not make it in WSAD, even in SUN J2EE, in addition, I have no weblogic platform. I got a little frustrated.Now I am focusing on EJB's understanding. later If I have time, I will continue doing it. As for the example, you can download from website. just use google to search it.