if else 是syntax层次,楼上说的是semantics : "You can break validity down into two things: syntax and semantics. The term syntax refers to grammatical structure whereas the term semantics refers to the meaning of the vocabulary symbols arranged with that structure. "
if else 是building blocks...就像英语,一共就26个字母,是与非门这个层次的;在之上字母构成语法,是syntax, if else then 是syntax 层次的; 而语言的“含义” 则是更上一个层次的东西
上了云基本就是各种 data streaming pipeline, streaming analysis, data warehouse 各种云计算 bigdata... 基本和 C++ 关系不大了
歪下楼,one of the big 4 is growing their Data & Analytics service and seeking various level of consultants in AI/ML, data science, etc. in their Toronto downtown office. PM if you're interested.
-renjl0810(Virtual Void);