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It is better but not mandatory for you to take the college courses and get the certification before you can find a dental assistant job.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It depends on your experience and background. The salary for the dental assistant position is very low: $10-$12/hour. The advantage to take the dental assistant program in College is you can apply for the Hygiene(洁牙士) program after you get the dental assistant certification. It is almost impossible for you to apply for the Hygiene program directly. The pay for the Hygiene is much better than dental assistant. Most of the Hygienists are self-employed, the rate is around $25-$40/hour depands on your experience. It will take one year (two semesters) to complete the dental assistant program, you will get the certification automatically if you graduate from the college like Geoge Brown College. It will take another one or two years time to complete the Hygiene program. Geoge Brown College has a good reputation for her Dental assistant and Hygiene program. You must apply the above programe through:

Ontario College Application Services,
370 Speedvale Avenue West,
Guelph, Ont N1H 7M7

or apply on-line: www.ontariocolleges.ca

you can also find some other Colleges that provide above programs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / hi,本人想申请college的dental assistant and law clerk, 但周围的人没有学这两样的,不知道有人了解情况吗?好不好学?工作好找吗?另外以后有没有进一步深造的机会?谢谢!
    • up!没人了解情况吗??
      • 这两种都不愁找不到工作,好好学吧。
    • 都是发资格证书,出来做秘书的。估计对继续深造没什么帮助。
      • 不可能工作两、三年后再进unversity继续学习吗?不是可以从college转到unversity吗?本人刚来2个月,具体情况不太清楚,谢谢。
        • 我的一个朋友在做dental assistant, 她说做这个钱不高, 10$/h, 可以考证书, 但有了证书就没人雇了, 因为那些dentist不想付高工资给你.,工作很简单.
          • 能请你朋友给我email吗?spread_77@yahoo.com 谢谢!
            • sorry, I don't have her e-mail. 实际上, 她在国内也不是做这个的, 她的运气比较好, 先找一家老外的诊所里干了一段时间, 有了经验之后就比较好找了. 她没读书, 也没考证, 就这么简单.
          • 是不是要先去补生物和化学?
        • It is better but not mandatory for you to take the college courses and get the certification before you can find a dental assistant job.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It depends on your experience and background. The salary for the dental assistant position is very low: $10-$12/hour. The advantage to take the dental assistant program in College is you can apply for the Hygiene(洁牙士) program after you get the dental assistant certification. It is almost impossible for you to apply for the Hygiene program directly. The pay for the Hygiene is much better than dental assistant. Most of the Hygienists are self-employed, the rate is around $25-$40/hour depands on your experience. It will take one year (two semesters) to complete the dental assistant program, you will get the certification automatically if you graduate from the college like Geoge Brown College. It will take another one or two years time to complete the Hygiene program. Geoge Brown College has a good reputation for her Dental assistant and Hygiene program. You must apply the above programe through:

          Ontario College Application Services,
          370 Speedvale Avenue West,
          Guelph, Ont N1H 7M7

          or apply on-line: www.ontariocolleges.ca

          you can also find some other Colleges that provide above programs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 这个贴子说的很对.我的朋友说申请读洗牙师(是这么叫吧)很难, 尽管学费很贵. 好像多伦多只有一个college有这个program.
    • dental assistant 是不是拔牙时负责在边上按住的那位,这个工作得有把子力气才行.-:))
      • 那不是拔牙,是撬钉子