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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

That's what I also don't understand. But I didn't tell them. My daughter broke her arm one month after we were back.

And we took her to the emergency in Scarborogh Hospital. They told ue the health card was cancelled, and we had to pay $280 to see the doctor as a visitor. Then I found from Ministry of Health, my card was cancelled also. My hushand was here all the time, so his card was fine. MoH told us the got direction from Immmigration office to cancel our card. I guess when you leave or re-entry the country, even there is no stamp on your passwrod, the custom still have some kind of record, and they pass it to immigration office. I GUESS.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教各位,我准备明年初怀孕7个月时返回多伦多。我的健康卡是在2001年7月生效的(我4月登陆的),明年我返回时我的健康卡是否还有效?还是需要重新办卡,又要等3个月?
    • wait three more months
    • FYI =>
      • 那么,如果我明年怀孕7个月时返回,到生孩子时就需要自己掏钱了?能否再告知一下,如果我没有健康卡,那么如果我在那边做产前检查是否也需要自己出钱?
        • Your health card must have been cancelled!!!!!!!
          When you apply for the health card, it required you not leave the province within 6 months. If you went back to China within this 6 month, when you come back, you will find the card has been cancelled. When you re=apply for it, it will be very complicated. You should keep all your proof of when you left the country and when you come back in case they want to see it. There is no stamp on passport for you entering or leaving Canada. So, sometimes, nothing will satisfy those officers in Ministry of health but the air ticket. If you are coming back for baby delivery, you'd back earlier to have this sort out first. I tell you. NOT EASY!
          • 但是,如果你不说,他们怎么知道你刚回来?
            • That's what I also don't understand. But I didn't tell them. My daughter broke her arm one month after we were back.
              And we took her to the emergency in Scarborogh Hospital. They told ue the health card was cancelled, and we had to pay $280 to see the doctor as a visitor. Then I found from Ministry of Health, my card was cancelled also. My hushand was here all the time, so his card was fine. MoH told us the got direction from Immmigration office to cancel our card. I guess when you leave or re-entry the country, even there is no stamp on your passwrod, the custom still have some kind of record, and they pass it to immigration office. I GUESS.
      • 如果我买其它的保险,一般一个月要多少钱?我如果只在生产前1-2个月买,到时我的住院费用是否都可以cover得住?谢谢
    • 我不知道你返回后健康卡是否还有效,但我知道如果是刚刚登陆的新移民,前三个月都有可能不用支付医药费,这是我的亲身经历。
      我是怀孕三个月的时候登陆的,由于我的指导思想正确,在我家附近的社区的帮助,我找到一家Queenwest Community Center,他们介绍我找助产士Midwife检查身体,是免费的,而且社区替我支付了所有的检查费,包括B超和验血等,以后我就定期去Midwife那里检查,直到宝宝生下来都没有付过一分钱。
      • 好象是因为你的小孩是加籍华人,所以你的检查不要钱。
    • 我的情况和你差不多,不太明白你的意思,为什么健康卡会失效呢?是你回来的时间太长了吗?我是11月底回来明年月底返回。