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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

My daughter is studying piano.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛She started when she was 4.5yr. It is 8 months now. I am pretty happy with her progress. We used the private teacher from China, $16 per half an hour. Here are some points you may find useful.
1) The music school calls me after I registered for an evaluation in a mall for my daughter. They became no interested when they heard my daughter had started music lesson with a private teacher. So, I think their purpose for the evaluation is only for recruiting students
2) My friend's daughter is learning piano in a school. I am not sure how much for membership (or enrollment) fee. $20.00 per hour. She is not happy, because they promise less than 6 kids each class, but actually there are 8 in the class. The school lend them a keyboard for free since they have no piano at home. But they want to buy a piano because keyboard is not a long time solution for piano.
3) There are lots of Piano teacher from China. But not all of them are good. The teacher I have for my daughter is the third teacher alreay. I should find him earlier. The previous 2 were not good. More like the music teacher in Primary School.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / Ontario Conservatory of Music 来我们家,给4岁女儿做了音乐评估。谁来说说送小孩去那儿好,还是请人教好?
    这个学校共分 10 级,平均一年一级,一个礼拜1小时,$24.xx 含税,终生注册费 $189.xx。搞不清教些啥,不过说6个月可学会双手弹 Keyboard,6年(6级)够资格在学校做兼职,10年(10级)考音乐学院有好处(?)。

    要是请私人教是什么价钱?除教 Keyboard 还教什么?

    • up, please give your advice if you know something about that
    • up. 谁家的孩子在学琴?谁家的孩子在学 music ? 谁在教这些?能给点儿idea吗?
      • My daughter is studying piano.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛She started when she was 4.5yr. It is 8 months now. I am pretty happy with her progress. We used the private teacher from China, $16 per half an hour. Here are some points you may find useful.
        1) The music school calls me after I registered for an evaluation in a mall for my daughter. They became no interested when they heard my daughter had started music lesson with a private teacher. So, I think their purpose for the evaluation is only for recruiting students
        2) My friend's daughter is learning piano in a school. I am not sure how much for membership (or enrollment) fee. $20.00 per hour. She is not happy, because they promise less than 6 kids each class, but actually there are 8 in the class. The school lend them a keyboard for free since they have no piano at home. But they want to buy a piano because keyboard is not a long time solution for piano.
        3) There are lots of Piano teacher from China. But not all of them are good. The teacher I have for my daughter is the third teacher alreay. I should find him earlier. The previous 2 were not good. More like the music teacher in Primary School.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我认为老师是非常重要的。好的老师可以省钱又省时间。我女儿在学钢琴,
    • I think you should go to that school and check out the enviroment. The good thing about learning from a music school is that you know your child is learning from a quanlified teacher.
      The school arranges concerts and this usually encourages a child to learn.

      To learn from a private teacher will costs you between $12-20 for half an hour for piano lesson. There are a lots of ads in the newspaper, you check for yourself.
      If you just interested in keyboard, it's better learning in group.