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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

花了点时间把你们俩的辩论看了一遍, 看看能不能做一回和事老。Cassie别砸我啊。

Cassie你应该比wade小吧。说话比较冲。You and your husband will feel terribly lonely and sad when you get old. Other old people will have hope and have pride in their younger generation, while you have nothing to hope in your life, but to wait to die. 这一段如果是generally speaking 还是很有道理的,比如用在speech里面。但你想想如果有人冲着你和你先生这么说,可就够难听的。说话,哪怕是有道理的话,也要考虑你的听众的感受。所以我说你们俩这一仗是你开的头,而不是wade. 你可能都没意识到,也可能是我们的英文都还不够好的缘故。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 一般情况下,在加拿大,养一个 孩子要 多少 钱?
    • Till 16 years old, $160,000 at average level
      • 又长了 我 听说100000
        • I read it from a book about raising a child in Chapters, just last month. The book probably was published last year,
          • 没有怀疑这个 数字,就是 觉得有压力
            • 我也是。看后决定再等两年 :)
              • 等两年在生是吗?
                • 是的 :)
      • 一年10K够吗?2个大人一年起码都要20K,小孩开销好像还大些吧?
        • 小孩子的衣服要便宜些,也不用昂贵的化妆品。 :) 没有经验,只是猜猜。还有可能没有把babysitter的开销算进去。
          • 大人一件衣服可以穿一、两年,小孩的可能也就2个月;如果包括昂贵的化妆品,2个人1年20K估计是打不住了。而且16岁之后,上大学的费用也是很厉害的。
            • 你是存心吓的大家在中649以前都不要小孩:)。我认识的有小孩的,花销好像没有那样糟。不过,爸爸妈妈都工作的话,babysitter会很贵的。
            • Don't worry. Kids here won't spend a cent of their parents' money to go to university.
      • 太贵了, 不要了. :)
        • 支持你不要。晚上和丈夫说不想要小孩,他还不乐意。我告诉他不爱作三个人的饭,别人立即检讨要学会作饭。如果我抱怨太贵,别人明天可能就少吃饭节约开支 :)。
          • 那让他自己生吧. :) 不过话说回来, 生小孩, 责任, 经济负担, 学校安全, 未来前途, GLOBAL WARMING...世界能存在多久...太多问题了. :(
            • 生孩子想那么多呀。 穷人的孩子穷养, 有钱了就富养。 小孩子花不了多少钱的, 但是心血是要付出很多的。
              • JJ说得太对了,穷养富养,心血都得付出很多。尤其是钱不能代替花在小孩身上的心血,时间。
            • 我觉着对妈妈的career path 是很大的冲击。爸爸可以在有小孩后,还能一步一步的升上去。妈妈若没有在小孩来之前有一定的基础,有小孩后就只能原地踏步了。女强人有,不过挺难为孩子的。
              • 呵呵,那就是为什么老爸们退休之后的日子总比老妈们孤独寂寞。做母亲可是终生的职业,一旦选择了,就没的退喽。
                • 看见失落的妈妈也不少。孩子大了,妈妈也就失业了。:(
                  • 据说老年人真正的悲哀不是子女不在身边,而是根本没有子女可以让他们想。。。除非自己当老板,不然这个世界上人人都有失业的那一天啊!
                    • 是这样的。
              • 不只是原地踏步,一般都倒退!如果再有一个要求你跟他一样上进的,一个不认为是因为对孩子和家庭的付出才导致你的退步的丈夫或婆婆。。。要不要孩子,重要的不是金钱的问题!
            • 俺说你们这些MMs:你们越晚养,越辛苦,花费越大。




              俺想说的话说完了,你们看作办吧。一切结论,后果自负!活活 :-))
              • 如果现在已经晚了怎么办? 再说, 俺有侄儿阿 :)
                • 什么叫已经晚了,甭给自己找借口噢。
                • 别逗了,饺子,那侄儿也不是你生的。小时侯可以逗着玩,长大了就不是那么回事了。
              • 这儿在讨论生和不生的问题,决定了生之后才能开始讨论早生还是晚生。:)
                • 俺也谈了生与不生的问题,而且结论很明确啊
                  • 才注意到。论据不充分,不能说服我。
                    • 俺喜欢直奔结论,不在意论据充分与否。快餐吃多了,养成了快餐思维。和和。。。
                  • 好像有一些道理的。
              • 晚养小孩省下来的钱同样会按复利增值的,并不难抵消生活费的上涨。其实钱并不是非常重要,富人可以养小孩,穷苦人家也可以养小孩。小孩的费用其实跟家庭收入是成比例的。早养还是晚养好,还是顺其自然好。
          • 我准备开个BUSINESS, 设计一个和真人差不多的BABY或者CHILD, 按照不同年龄, 租给过过妈妈瘾的人, 如果试用后, 还想要个永久的话, 就自己生一个, 否则就LEASE这个模拟小孩. 估计生意能很不错. :)
            • 美国早就有拉, 不过是小BABY, 专门给高中女升用的, 让他们体会到小孩子是多么的烦人, 减少少女妈妈
            • I order a 模拟小孩 which likes 饺子 now...I'm first customer of you, can I get any discount?
            • 你还不如做收养国内弃婴的生意,据说晚哭娃现在这个生意很不错。:)
              • 弃婴也是真人啊, NON-REFUNDABLE哦:)
            • 你还不如制造美女帅哥什么的,生意更好做。俺愿投资。
    • 一个孩子 = 一栋 House
      • 差不多。
      • 多少钱的house?差别比较大的呦:P
        • 住得起什么房子,就养得起多少钱的孩子。
    • We can not compare between money and a child. Without a child, you don't really have a family. Imagine when you get old without kids visiting you each Christmas and eventually
      you will die in bed without any one beside you!
      • Exactly... whole bunch of losers who are just lazy of taking care of kids...
        • Geez, yourself is a kid. What do you know about raising up a kid. :)
          • Geez. Your parents must set up a pretty bad example for you and now you don't even want a kid.
            • Agree!
        • Gee... I'm planning to have my first kid born 5 years from today...
      • Is there anyone said she doesn't want to a child only because she doesn't want to spend money on her kid? At least I didn't say it. However,
        you cannot expect your kids visiting you each holiday even you have children.
        • That depends on how you educate your kids and if you have a strong family tie with them.
          • Not everybody like strong family tie. Actually, I hate the time all big family gather together.
            • Then enjoy your loneliness in your future life!
              • I didn't feel lonely even when I was single.
                • Well, some people did say it above, believe or not...
      • 要是养孩子是为了老了后节假日热闹,死时有人在床前,那还是不要的好。我想要孩子只是希望享受孩子成长的快乐。了解养孩子的花销和代价,就知道怎样安排今后的生活,不会负担任何人。老了后,还是打算和丈夫一起冷清的。
        • 太对了. 靠孩子的VISIT来充实自己的生活内容的话, 活的也太失败了:). 我很愿意赡养我的父母, 因为我很爱他们. 但是另一方面, "教育"侄儿, 其父母要把毕生储蓄花在他的教育上, 以后要好好孝敬父母, 感到"强人所难", 总觉得自愿才好.
          • Why are they losers? It's perfectly understandable when you wish your family members to visit you as frequent as they can. I don't see that makes parents losers.
            If some parents do not wish their kids to visit them as frequent as they can, I will consider those parents are losers...
            • 理解偏了. 如果我们现在和晚年没有自己的生活, 过分依赖孩子的爱和VISIT, 那就比较失败了. 并不是说不重视家庭的亲情. 亲情对我来说很重要. 不过要不要孩子涉及很多方面. BTW, 想请教一下您的意见, 关于#824808. 谢谢!
              • Having your own child doesn't mean that you have to depend on them when you get old. It's part of fun of life. A lot of people have both successful family life and career. It's a matter of how to balance between them.
        • You and your husband will feel terribly lonely and sad when you get old. Other old people will have hope and have pride in their younger generation, while you have nothing to hope in your life, but to wait to die.
          • A child is born to have their own world. I don't see anything wrong to not to depand on my child when I get old.
            I married with my husbend not my child. I know I will be happy to see my child enjoy their own life while I enjoy mine. Maybe your marriage life is not very happy so you find your husbend or wife will be hard to live with when you get old.
            • In your message #825055 above, you said your husband will do any thing to get a child, but you don't want one. Don't you see that your marriage already got a problem?
              • You are right. However, even a marriage with problem like that, none of us thought of having a baby would make our lives happier. I guess we are not as pathetic as you are. At least we have our own life.
                • Hi silly girl, You are wrong again! I don't have a child now and I'm enjoying both my career and my life for the moment. I'm just expressing my opinion here. Don't Personally attack other people like a dog in the forum!
                  • Little girl, just learn some manner or your child in the future will be as opinionnated as you are, which is not a very good quality.
                    Talking about personally attack, just read your own posts. I wonder what kind of value you are going to pass to your children other than expecting them in front of your bed when you die. Grow up and get a life.
                    • Didn't you start first to attack other people personally in your message #825408 above? Be careful about your manner.
                      • I just offered an opinion as you do. It may not be the best way to teach someone a lesson like that though.
                        You see, the logic is if you are not happy with what I said, I assume you may want to go back to your post and think about why I said such kind of things which is not very nice to you while I am nice to the others. However, I figure you are not capable of such kind of logic. My mistake. Good night.
                        • I don't see what's the problem that parents expect their kids to visit them as frequent as possible when they are getting old. I can perfectly understand my parents if they are hoping that way.
                          • Thanks so much for your supporting view!
                            • I guess you may never know why poeple don't like you and wonder why. This is going to be my last post on Rolia. If what I say will make you think, at least I did not waste my last breath here.:)
                              I have a happy marriage and I can see my life will end with my husbend, not my children. I hope you are going to have a happy one too. Till then, you may never understand what people on this thread talking about. I hope you are less opinionated on rolia and enjoy more of the friendly conversation instead of fiece argument. At least I did. Bye now.
                          • Just read the post, nobody here has any problem with that either. That is not what made this discussion unfriendly. .
                            Just read all her posts and see how she commeted on how people would die if they don't want to count on children's visit in the future life. She is pretty nasty woman I have to say.
                            • It's not worth wasting my time to argue with a stupid and selfish woman like you! Look at your silly judgement of other's personal life. It's sorry to see that you have turned the forum into a vicious personal attack site to other people.
                              • 花了点时间把你们俩的辩论看了一遍, 看看能不能做一回和事老。Cassie别砸我啊。
                                Cassie你应该比wade小吧。说话比较冲。You and your husband will feel terribly lonely and sad when you get old. Other old people will have hope and have pride in their younger generation, while you have nothing to hope in your life, but to wait to die. 这一段如果是generally speaking 还是很有道理的,比如用在speech里面。但你想想如果有人冲着你和你先生这么说,可就够难听的。说话,哪怕是有道理的话,也要考虑你的听众的感受。所以我说你们俩这一仗是你开的头,而不是wade. 你可能都没意识到,也可能是我们的英文都还不够好的缘故。

                                • UVW, you are right, the comment you quoted from me is just for "generally speaking", not to a certain person. If she wanted to take it personally, then it's beyond my control.
                                • 谢谢你,UVW! 今天才看到你的贴子。
                                  不上网是太耽误时间,结果按不住,前两天又跑了上来。:) 一般不爱争的,怪自己没有拿住。谢谢你的贴子。
        • I doubt if you ever care about your parents or not. Maybe you never visit your parents? You sound very selfish. Having a child doesn't mean that you have to depend on them when you get old. Don't you understand this?
    • 生下来之后做个记号, 然后送去孤儿院...
      • 送孤儿院为啥还要做记号?不想养还想捞取以后可能的回报?太毒了!:)
        • 穷嘛, 55555555555555555
        • 所以老柠檬化石至今还只有9指,多明显的记号!
          • 你哪只眼睛看到的?
    • 我的答案:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(养孩子的花费实在是因人而异。比尔盖茨说不准备给孩子留什么遗产,最多给他几百万基本生活费就行了。我要想让我的孩子实现这种基本生活水平,看来光靠努力是不行的。)



      大人要上班,孩子送日托所。四岁以前,每月花 500 至 1200 元。四岁到六岁,有两个半小时国家投资的学前班,托儿费相应节约两百左右。六岁以后,每天大部分时间上学,托儿费大约每月三、四百元左右。








      孩子的玩具,可大可小。从Yard Sale上一个Quarter一个的洋娃娃,到商店里几百元一套的小秋千,完全取决于你想花多少钱。还有各种展览、演出、游乐场所,去不去随你。




      总之,养孩子的花费可以很大,也可以很小。基本上取决于你想给他花多少钱。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • $10k/year is more than enough.
    • 这里有官方的数字: 根据Manitoba Department of Agriculture and Food统计, 抚养一个孩子从出生到18岁需CAD155,000.
      当然这个数字不包括education costs. 男孩子稍为多一点, 女孩子稍微少一点。从0岁到5岁开销最大, 12-13岁相对每年开销是最小的。
      • 这里是Education Costs:
        A baby born tomorrow can incar some $37,000 in education bills, starting 18 yeas hence- and that's if he chooses to live at home. A four-year-away-home program will cost $92,000.