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昨天等电梯,忽然有个女的问Metro是不是在楼下。以为她是找Metro 商店,正要给她指,忽然发现她说的话带很重的伦敦音,马上明白过来。她好像也觉察了,又补充说是找underground,更是确定了她其实是找地铁。 趁机复习下美式和英式英语的一些区别:

British English American English
anti-clockwise counter-clockwise
autumn fall
barrister attorney
bill (restaurant) check
biscuit cookie
block of flats apartment building
bumper (car) fender
car park parking lot
chemist's shop drugstore, pharmacy
chips fries, French fries
the cinema the movies
crisps potato chips
crossroads intersection; crossroads (rural)
diversion detour
drawing-pin thumbtack
drink-driving drunk driving
driving licence driver's license
dummy (for baby) pacifier
dustbin garbage can, trash can
estate car station wagon
flat apartment
gearbox (car) transmission
gear-lever gearshift
Girl Guide Girl Scout
ground floor first floor
high street main street
holiday vacation
hood (car) convertible top
juggernaut 18-wheeler
lift elevator
lorry truck, semi, tractor
mad crazy, insane
main road highway
maize corn
motorbike motorcycle
motorway freeway, expressway
motorway highway, freeway, expressway, interstate highway, interstate
nappy diaper
naughts and crosses tic-tack-toe
pants, underpants underpants, drawers
pavement sidewalk
pet hate pet peeve
petrol gas, gasoline
pocket money allowance
post mail
postbox mailbox
postcode zip code
postman mailman, mail carrier, letter carrier
pub bar
public toilet rest room, public bathroom
railway railroad
return (ticket) round-trip
reverse charge collect call
ring road beltway, freeway/highway loop
road surface pavement, blacktop
rubber eraser
rubbish garbage, trash
rubbish-bin garbage can, trashcan
saloon (car) sedan
silencer (car) muffler
single (ticket) one-way
solicitor lawyer, attorney
spanner wrench
sweets candy
taxi taxi, taxi cab
tea towel dish towel
third-party insurance liability insurance
timetable schedule
tin can
toll motorway toll road, turnpike
torch flashlight
trousers pants, trousers
tube (train) subway
underground (train) subway
vest undershirt
waistcoat vest
wellington boots rubber boots, rain boots
windscreen windshield
zip zipper
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 昨天等电梯,忽然有个女的问Metro是不是在楼下。以为她是找Metro 商店,正要给她指,忽然发现她说的话带很重的伦敦音,马上明白过来。她好像也觉察了,又补充说是找underground,更是确定了她其实是找地铁。 趁机复习下美式和英式英语的一些区别:
    British English American English
    anti-clockwise counter-clockwise
    autumn fall
    barrister attorney
    bill (restaurant) check
    biscuit cookie
    block of flats apartment building
    bumper (car) fender
    car park parking lot
    chemist's shop drugstore, pharmacy
    chips fries, French fries
    the cinema the movies
    crisps potato chips
    crossroads intersection; crossroads (rural)
    diversion detour
    drawing-pin thumbtack
    drink-driving drunk driving
    driving licence driver's license
    dummy (for baby) pacifier
    dustbin garbage can, trash can
    estate car station wagon
    flat apartment
    gearbox (car) transmission
    gear-lever gearshift
    Girl Guide Girl Scout
    ground floor first floor
    high street main street
    holiday vacation
    hood (car) convertible top
    juggernaut 18-wheeler
    lift elevator
    lorry truck, semi, tractor
    mad crazy, insane
    main road highway
    maize corn
    motorbike motorcycle
    motorway freeway, expressway
    motorway highway, freeway, expressway, interstate highway, interstate
    nappy diaper
    naughts and crosses tic-tack-toe
    pants, underpants underpants, drawers
    pavement sidewalk
    pet hate pet peeve
    petrol gas, gasoline
    pocket money allowance
    post mail
    postbox mailbox
    postcode zip code
    postman mailman, mail carrier, letter carrier
    pub bar
    public toilet rest room, public bathroom
    railway railroad
    return (ticket) round-trip
    reverse charge collect call
    ring road beltway, freeway/highway loop
    road surface pavement, blacktop
    rubber eraser
    rubbish garbage, trash
    rubbish-bin garbage can, trashcan
    saloon (car) sedan
    silencer (car) muffler
    single (ticket) one-way
    solicitor lawyer, attorney
    spanner wrench
    sweets candy
    taxi taxi, taxi cab
    tea towel dish towel
    third-party insurance liability insurance
    timetable schedule
    tin can
    toll motorway toll road, turnpike
    torch flashlight
    trousers pants, trousers
    tube (train) subway
    underground (train) subway
    vest undershirt
    waistcoat vest
    wellington boots rubber boots, rain boots
    windscreen windshield
    zip zipper
    • Thanks.
      好在她没说 The Tube 在哪儿。
    • 吓吓侬
      • 有什么好怕的?
        • 甲醇, 那是我们上海话谢谢你吗, 别跟我说你不知道.
          • 你是说泰妹想吓吓上海人?为什么?
            • 我不吓你就好了
    • 谢谢. 不仅用词不同, 读音也不同. 比如vase, tomato, ass 里面的a, 美国发ae 或ei音, 英式发a音. 还有我是说bumper的, 难道我在说英式英语?
      • 加拿大是比较mixed. 有些英国词,也有些美国词.
        • 加拿大用什么英国词? 美国也用bumper啊.
    • donair vs. doner
    • chop vs. stamp
    • 问老美“厕所在哪里?”,老美总要愣一愣,再确认一下:“茅房?”
      • 你这个厕所,茅房都是对照的啥英文?
        • 洗手间 和 休息室 啦,哈哈。
        • washroom, restroom. 英国人说toilet比较多
          • 我也是习惯用washroom,去美国问人次数不多,没有别人听不懂这个印象。。。
            • 你可能去的是旅游的地方, 见加拿大人多了, 小地方的听了要愣一愣的.
      • 厕所=bathroom. 对,洗澡房。
        • 至少有三件套,不单能洗手还能洗PP 的,才能叫“洗澡房”吧。比如家里的那种。
          • 你说的是这玩意儿?:)
    • Football vs soccer (BrE vs AmE)
      • Rugby vs football
        • 不是一码事: 光膀的 vs. 穿盔的
      • baseball vs cricket
    • Trousers vs. Pants ; Pants vs. Underpants.
      • Rubber vs. Eraser,,,,,,,,, xxxx? vs. Rubber ?
    • Lay-by --- Rest area
    • Helpful. Marked. Thanks
    • I thought Londoner would say "tube"...
      • They do and they normally say " The Tube".
    • 为什么要理解她,应该是她学习本地用法。咱移民过来也没要求人家理解“地铁”俩字儿啊,还不是咱自己学人家的subway。
      • 学习语言是为了交流,交流就是双向的,是不是?
    • 好像Montreal地铁也叫Metro。想起刚来时,满街找地铁站,好不容易看见了Subway的牌子,冲进去转了一圈也没发现有地道,只有一根根长长的“凉狗”在买。。。
    • 当年在伦敦时非常不习惯把卫生间称为toilet。这个词只能让我翻译成抽水马桶。。。btw 中文里还有比‘抽水马桶’雅一点的称谓吗? 不知道该怎么教孩子。
      • 这个也没什么,人家香水不都这么叫吗?估计一开始就是干这个用的
    • "take out", "to go" vs "take away"
    • 这也是个好贴。至少有实在内容。