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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 人呢? 都忙啥呢?
      • where? with who? need help ? :)))))
        • 毛问题~等我需要动手的时候喊你~ huuuuummmmmmmmmuuuuuuuuuaaaaa
          • and call me too~~~
            • 嗯, 我们是一组的~~~ :)
            • 好呀~~~~~~~但是你这么脾气好,会不会打架?
              • 没见龙龙都打到谈天去了。。。
                • 我看不到,看不到~~~为神马啊为神马~~~:(((((((((
                • LOL ~~~ 笑S 人不偿命啊 :)
                • 阿龙这么一扭,鬼才有心情打架。太可爱了~~~~~~~
                • OMG~~~I love this one~~~
              • 我会,带我一个
                • 我看你行~
                  • 我也可以的。。。
    • 学中文
      • where? with who? need help ? :))))) -yoyo23(纯水有香);
        • 刚才露窃了, 正跟枵剹箺剚憀靦,发现餢毇倏嚄韷,然后廏齨聥桒,打算从头念三字经去。。。
          • 回贴请用中文~~~ LOL
      • 兄弟,看!那儿有个全裸的辣妹!”
        • 好兄弟!
          • 都叫你不要再往前开了。。固执不听话呀~~
            • 这个才好玩了。。。
              • 哥开的不是车, 是执着
      • 你又让我笑倒一次。LOL
        • I am sweating now, ashamed~~~
          • 我贴吧:仉。。。。。。。。。。。不查新华字典,谁认得?
            • 掌?
              • XB你跟孟母熟? JDJD
                • 别JD,没吭声的都是跟你一样不认得的。
    • 周末大概都玩累了。。
      • 玩啥了,分享一下撒~~~
        • 叔叔,我迷路了……哦,其实我真的不是来要东西吃的……
          • 怎么回事啊, 你发的这些我全都打不开~~~ :(
            • 我不知道。。。问问他们能看到不。。。
              • yes I can ~
    • I am here, thinking~~~
      • thinking about me ? hehehe~~~:))
        • yeah~~~how do you know~~~ :-)
          • 心意相通~~哈哈
            • hug~~hug~~
      • 自从上rolia以后,连黑眼圈都没了~~
        • hahaha, I'd thought opposite though :)
        • oh~~~poor panda, who did this~~
    • sitting here, doing nothing ~~~ no fun :(((
      • 和它们比睡姿,我输了。。。
        • they are so cute, so relax, so sweet ~~~ :)
      • 周末玩累了?
        • nope, not really ~~~ didn't do much, but somehow felt tired, not a good sign, huh? ~~~
          • it's getting cold, what do we call it~~~"Qiu Fa"?
            • 球阀?
              • you!~~~
            • probably ... I was "Chun Fa" and now "Qiu Fa", always 'Fa' ~~ how about you? Going anywhere over the weekend? :)
              • no~~I was the same, just stayed at home, did nothing~~
          • 还好啦。我一年四季都在乏,你只是偶尔乏,比我强多了~~~ :)
            • you are so sweet :)
    • 回家啦~~~have a great evening everyone ~~~ *_*
      • 油兔。。。。油兔。。。。