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T2209 首页的说明就有啊,2004年就开始拉,Beginning in 2004

your contribution to a foreign public pension
plan is considered as a non-business income tax for foreign tax
credit purposes where the following two conditions apply:
You are required to make the contribution under the legislation
of the foreign country.
It is reasonable to conclude that you will not be eligible for any
financial benefit from your contribution considering that the
employment in the foreign country was temporary and for a short period of time.

Contributions made under the U.S. Federal Insurance
Contributions Act (FICA), including Social security and
Medicare taxes, qualify for this credit.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 问一个TN在加拿大报税的问题问一个TN签证在加拿大报税的问题
    • 我认为你的计算方法还是有点问题,差距肯定很大.如果你只报加拿大的收入,那你得是老婆孩子也一起离开加拿大了,房子什么的也没有.不能计算全年,按你在加拿大的天数除365来计算加拿大税.如果你想用全年,那美国的收入就要加一起.
      • 谢谢回复!目前只是我一个人在美国,还不属于非税务居民,所以加拿大这边的报税加上了美国的1万5. 用的是Studio Tax软件,在Income from Foreign Employment那里(Line 104)输入了美国的收入。结果就差出来这么多。回答你的另一个问题,我是爱踢民工。
        • 加了美国的收入,还可以加美国交过的税。只补差额就没那么多了吧。
          • 看起来是他收入不高,在美国的收入没预扣什么税,或者说美国税率太低,加拿大这里就要补税了.
        • 你IT民工不会这么少收入,上半年18K下半年15K,预扣税有多少?你这么验证吧,加起来算一份工作,T4,输入进去看结果有何不同.估算在安省要交4K多点的税,基本就是万把左右不交税,多出来的23K按20.05%交税4600的样子.
          • 我试试看,加一份1万5的T4看看会不会有同样的结果。谢谢你的建议。
          • 试了,一样的结果。加拿大这边的报税好像没有让你输入在美国已经交过的税,这个怎么补差额啊?
            • 找到了输入foreign tax credit的地方了。谢谢各位。
              • Where ? Did y need to pay extra?
    • 有啥不对劲的。那只说明 LZ 收入高,33%的 tax rate.
      • 原来我这点钱就叫高收入啊。
    • 请问:在美帝这边payroll扣掉的Social Security, Medicare,这个在报加拿大税的时候,可以抵税吗?which Line? Thanks!
      • no.
        • yes, you need to add mm and ss to foreign tax credit. that would reduce your tax in canada.
          • is this a recent change?
            • T2209 首页的说明就有啊,2004年就开始拉,Beginning in 2004
              your contribution to a foreign public pension
              plan is considered as a non-business income tax for foreign tax
              credit purposes where the following two conditions apply:
              You are required to make the contribution under the legislation
              of the foreign country.
              It is reasonable to conclude that you will not be eligible for any
              financial benefit from your contribution considering that the
              employment in the foreign country was temporary and for a short period of time.

              Contributions made under the U.S. Federal Insurance
              Contributions Act (FICA), including Social security and
              Medicare taxes, qualify for this credit.
              • 谢谢了。可能是年代久了,我记忆有误,和401(k)部分混了。貌似只对工作签证适用,绿卡或dual citizen就不行了。
      • 用T2209报federal,provincial的用T2203。
      • 谢各位大侠!Rolia真是卧虎藏龙啊。顺便问一下
        T2203好像是for business,我们个人的报税也是用这个表格吗?Thanks!
        • T2036用于non-business foreign tax credit (Provincial or Territorial Foreign Tax Credit)
          • 噢,我纪错了啊
      • 再请问:在payroll上不是statutory deduction的扣除项目,比如说medical/dental insuran以及401K,这些在报加拿大税的时候也可以加在foreign tax credit上来claim吗?
        • 我觉得不成,你w-2里,Social Security, Medicare是列在tax项下的,但是这两个可不是。
          • 401K不是相当于加拿大的RRSP吗? RRSP可以当期税前扣除,401K不可以吗?
            • 401K能不能和RRSP一样处理具体看两国的tax treaty, 但是我觉得不应该填写到2209直接作为foreign tax credtis,毕竟ss medicare是你已经付了的tax, 而上了的401K就是能把taxable income 降下来,当然收入少了tax也就少了,总是好事。我也是瞎琢磨呢,hehe.
              • 当年CPA给我报的收入是W-2的item3,social security wage,是401(k)以前的收入,是不是有误啊?
                • http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/rprtng-ncm/lns101-170/104/frgn-eng.html 你自己看看吧,CRA要求扣掉的SS等等都要加回去再报。
              • Thanks superchief! Yes you are right! 应该用RC268对吧?那请问RC268上面calculating deduction那个地方提到的amount of contributions that would qualify for tax relief in the U.S., 这个tax relief是啥意思?
                • rc268是针对在美国上班住加拿大如此通勤的人,你符合这个要求?我不知道你的具体情况,如果要是你自己住在美国并在美国工作,这个表你用不上拉。
                  RC268的titile写着,Employee Contributions to a United States Retirement Plan for 2011 – Cross-Border Commuters
                  Complete this form if you are a Canadian resident who commutes or otherwise travels to the United States (U.S.) to perform employment
                  services, and you are a member of a qualifying retirement plan of your employer in the U.S. Common qualifying U.S.
                • 我又看了下,觉得你应该还是能用这个表的,你现在还是canaddian resident呢,也满足了RC268那几个全都要满足的条件,我没有仔细看你前头的帖,以为你已经彻底搬迁到美国了。tax relief我理解就是你在美国免税的那部分401K的contribution。
                  • 2011年我还是Canadian Resident for tax purpose,但我不是每天cross border to perform employment service,只是偶尔回加拿大.
                    我这种情况应该符合or otherwise travels to the United States to perform employment service吧. Many thanks!