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I understand exactly the way you feel. I am depressed too. Depression is different from an occasional blue mood.

By doing some reading and watching videos, I understand depression is common and is manageable. I strongly encourage you to get more knowledge about it. Once you know it, you feel less scared. But having said that you still need to reach out for help. It is good for you to come here and speak out your feelings. You need close friends and caring family to help you. If it is getting really bad, you may need to see a doctor and take some medicine.

I am alone here. Sometimes I do feel hopeless. I talk to caring and understanding friends about my problem. I also try hard to encourage myself. I say to myself that even people with depression can enjoy life. That’s very true once the sickness is under control. Don’t be afraid. You are not alone.

Are you working or studying? Depends on your situation, maybe going home for a while is a good choice. Whatever you do, just don’t isolate you from the outside world. You will overcome it with help.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Do you know about depression?
    Now I realy get experience about depression. It make people completely lost comfidence, nothing interesting. Do you have experience? How to overcome it? any drug, Qigong and so on
    • I am really sorry to hear that. I really sympathize with you. Years ago, I also felt unhappy for a long period of time. And it seemed there was no way out. But finally I was able to overcome it.
      I also lost interests to anything at that time.
      I understand your situation.
      Typically, high pressure and personality are major causes for depression.
      It is not easy to survive in a foreign country.
      I don't know whether you are working or studying.
      I don't know whether you have family problem.
      But my best suggestion is to go back to china and live there for some time.
      You will feel rejuvinate.
      Or you can go to see a psychiatrist
    • I believe every new immigrant has/had this experience. Tell yourself: Keep trying, everything will be fine.
    • 药物和气功是不必用的。看看励志书籍是我当时走出depression方法。我认为你还可以阅读宗教信仰的书,试着建立信仰,个人推荐佛教;找益友交流,开拓交际圈;或是旅游一趟;或者参加一个学习班,

      good luck!
    • 一般人偶尔都会有点抑郁,比如早上起来信心万丈,一天下来又陷入特别没劲的状态,这个不要紧,自己调节调节就好了。但是如果情况比较严重的话,比如连早上起床时都没办法找到任何感兴趣和高兴的事儿,最好还是去看专科医生。
    • The best thing you should do is to read psychology books to get knowledged. Only when you learn this subject you can easily find the reason and then overcome it although sometime it take long time.
      • 这个好像已经超出了一般心理学治疗范畴了,一般的“郁闷”和“抑郁”不是一回事。我知道有受抑郁症困扰的朋友,多亏家人及时带他去看精神科医生,从suicide的边缘走回来了,然后才慢慢康复。
        • 一般情况下,如果本人能感到自己有了问题,并希望纠正,这还是属于心理治疗(神经症)。如果病人情况严重,但是自己认为完全正常,大多就是精神疾病了。
    • Saint John's wort is anti-depression. It has some side effect like dry thoat etc. You can find it in drug store, as a herbal tea.
      Coffee is good too though over taking it may cause heart disease.
    • 好象没有必要看医生。多数人都有过类似的经历,医生能告诉你的估计和书上说的、朋友说的没有太大差别。

      有很多Depression Management的书,不过我没读过。如果以后你读到的话,不妨和大家分享分享。
      • Wrong. Sometimes profesisonal help is necessary. Depression does not equal a blue mood as some people imagine.
    • stay or contact with close friends frequently. or go back home
    • 去找医生吧。医生会给你开一种抑制抑郁的药,可以让你平静下来。不过这种药的也有副作用。
      • 上瘾
    • I understand exactly the way you feel. I am depressed too. Depression is different from an occasional blue mood.
      By doing some reading and watching videos, I understand depression is common and is manageable. I strongly encourage you to get more knowledge about it. Once you know it, you feel less scared. But having said that you still need to reach out for help. It is good for you to come here and speak out your feelings. You need close friends and caring family to help you. If it is getting really bad, you may need to see a doctor and take some medicine.

      I am alone here. Sometimes I do feel hopeless. I talk to caring and understanding friends about my problem. I also try hard to encourage myself. I say to myself that even people with depression can enjoy life. That’s very true once the sickness is under control. Don’t be afraid. You are not alone.

      Are you working or studying? Depends on your situation, maybe going home for a while is a good choice. Whatever you do, just don’t isolate you from the outside world. You will overcome it with help.
    • 锻炼身体.
    • go to church every week...
      join badminton program at community center...talk to your close friend...speak out your problem at Rolia...
      God's spirit makes us loving, happy, peaceful, patient, kind, good...
    • 忧郁乃至消沉,在很多老中看来,是精神和气质性的问题,所以多采取精神上设法克服的办法,实际上,象感冒发烧一样,忧郁需要去看医生,也需要服用一些药物,千万不要讳疾忌医,不要幻想拖过去就好了,还有就是要戒网!!
    • 人生只有一次,你可以选择笑着过,也可以选择哭着过,自己看着办
      • 没那么简单。
        • 生活从来都不是简单的,同样的情况下,我们能做的,只是尽量让自己简单、快乐一点
          • “尽量让自己简单、快乐一点”也没那么简单。我想如果楼上那位朋友能做到这点,也就不用在这里发帖子了。:P
            • 几年前,我也有过类似的情况

              因为有过这样的经历,现在遇到困难也会尽量让自己想开一些,事情总会过去的,没什么大不了的,我能做的到的就去做,做不到的就认了,人想的太多要生癌的,我还想好好地活呢 :)
              • 那是你还小,烦恼的事情比较少。不过还是很佩服你的生活态度,best wishes to you.
                • 谢谢!Same to you
    • There is one thing can make fun. Everybody knows...