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多伦多电话路考排期系统操作流程 --ZT

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一步:拨此电话号码416-325-8580(白天很难接通,晚上8点以后较好接通。)
* “你已接通交通部自动排期服务系统。”( 法语重复一遍)
* “要求音频电话服务用英语的话,请按1。 ” (法语重复一遍)
* ”否则,请别挂电话 “
* 如果希望该辅助系统用正常语速对你说话,请按1,如果希望用慢一点的语速,请按2。
* 请注意:该系统提供的最早日期与接线员提供的最早日期是一样的。在此过程中任何时候如果需要接线员的帮助,请在工作时间内再打此电话并按0。
* 排期、确认或取消路考或者只是询问最早的日期,请按1。
* 如果你是老年人,要排期的话,请按2。
* 要求接线员帮助的话,请在工作时间内打此电话并按0。
* 要求了解工作时间的话,请按0。
* 如果你已准备好你的安省驾照和笔的话,请按1,否则的话,请按2。
* 请准备好你的安省驾照和笔之后再打此电话,再见,并感谢你致电交通部。
* 如果你是要预定日期的话,请准备好你的信用卡。
* 请在你的电话上按与你驾照的第一字母相符的数字。输入Q,请按1。输入Z,请按0。
* (比如按2) 你输入的字母可能使A,B,或C。请按1输入A,2输入B,或者3输入C。
* 请输入字母后面的数字。
* 你所输入的安省驾照号码是:A0000-00000-00000,如果正确,请按1。否则,请按2。
* 如果遇到困难,你可以在上午9点至下午5点按0获得接线员的帮助。请注意:该系统提供的最早日期与接线员提供的最早日期是一样的。
* 请别挂电话。
* 要听最早路考日期,请按1。要预定路考日期,请按2。要确认路考,请按3。要取消路考,请按4。
* 要选择城市,你应该输入你想查询城市的头三个字母。
* 请输入此城市的第一个字母。你输入的字母可能是T,U,或V。请按1输入T,2输入U,或者3输入V。
* 请输入此城市的第二个字母。你输入的字母可能是M,N,或O。请按1输入M,2输入N,或者3输入O。
* 请输入此城市的第三个字母。你输入的字母可能是P,R,或S。请按1输入P,2输入R,或者3输入S。
* 你输入的该城市的头三个字母是T,O, R。如果正确,请按1。否则,请按2重新输入。
* 要选择METRO EAST,请按1;选MORNINGSIDE请按2;选ETOBICOKE请按3;想选其它城市查询的话,请按9。
* 你选择了MORNINGSIDE驾照考试中心。如果正确,请按1。否则,请安2重新输入。MORNINGSIDE考试中心的最早日期是2002年10月23日。要预定在此中心路考,请按1。要查询不同的考试中心,请按2。要结束通话,请按3。

注:我在此按3结束了通话。因为我已经拿到了驾照,所以不好意思再选择预定考期了。我记得我原来选择预定之后,电话里会说出考试中心的地址和路考的时间,还会告诉你付款方式,并要求你带着驾照提前一个小时到。我所知道的就这些,希望对大家有所帮助。另外由于此系统有缺陷,所有知道你驾照号码的人都可以利用你的号码排期(通常是你教练的太太,你不妨问一下你的教练他的太太平时在做什么.如果他的回答是呆在家里那就是作这个工作了),但是一些不良教练利用你的号码排期后由于某些原因要取消而又没有及时取消的话,你将被处以罚款,一次要罚40加币。而且三次取消你就不能再使用电话路考排期系统。只能通过人工来排期。因此如果目前持有G1 G2驾照的话,每隔一段时间打电话去检查一下,以避免不必要的罚款。


Process for Automated Booking Service
Step 1: Dial the number 416-325-8580
Step 2: You will hear the following:
· You have reached the ministry of transportation automated booking service. (then in French)
· For touch-tone service in English, press 1 now. (then in French)
· Otherwise, please hold.
Step 3: If you press 1, you will hear:
· If you like this assistance to speak to you in a normal speed, press 1, a slower speed, press 2.
· Please note that the first available date provided by this system is the same first available date provided by the operator. If you require operator assistance at any time, please call back during business hours and press 0.
· To book, confirm or cancel an appointment or inquire on the first available road test date, press 1 now.
· If you are a senior driver and require a road test, press 2.
· For operator assistance, please call during business hours and press zero.
· For business hours, please press 0
· If you have your Ontario driver’s license number and a pen with you, press 1, otherwise press 2.
Step 4: If you press 2, you will hear:
· Please call back when you have your Ontario driver’s license number and have a pen available. Good-bye and thank you for calling the ministry of transportation.
If you press 1, you will hear:
· You may be required to have your credit card ready if you’re booking or re-booking a road test.
· Press the number on your telephone that matches the first letter of your driver’s license. To enter the letter Q, press 1. To enter the letter Z, press 0.
· (Press 2 for example) The letter entered could be A, B, C. Please press 1 for A, 2 for B or 3 for C.
· Please enter the numbers after the letter.
· The Ontario driver’s license number you entered is A0000-00000-00000. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 2.
· If you experience difficulties, operator assistance is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm by pressing 0. Please note that the first available date provided by this system is the same first available date provided by the operator.
· Please hold the line.
Step 5: Take Morningside for example:
· To hear the first available road test date, press 1. To book a road test, press 2. To confirm a road test appointment, press 3. To cancel a road test appointment, press 4.
· To select the city, you will be asked to enter the first three letters of the city you are inquiring on.
· Please enter the first letter of the city. The letter entered could be T, U or V. Please press 1 for T, 2 for U, or 3 for V.
· Please enter the second letter for the city. The letter entered could be M, N, or O. Please press 1 for M, 2 for N, or 3 for O.
· Please enter the third letter of the city. The letter entered could be P, R, or S. Please press 1 for P, 2 for R, or 3 for S.
· The first three letters of the city you’ve entered are T.O.R. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise press 2 to re-enter. Please hold the line.
· For Metro East, press 1, for Morningside, press 2, for Etobicoke press 3.
· To enter the name of another city you would like to inquire on, press 9.

Step 6: Depending on your choice:
· You select the Morningside Driver Examination Center. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 2 to re-enter. For Morningside, the first available date is on Oct. 23, 2002. To book a road test using this center, press 1. To inquire on a different center, press 2. To end this call, press 3.

Comment: I hereby pressed 3 to end the call, because I’ve already got the G license and don’t want to risk booking again for unsure consequences. I remember being told about things like the following:
· the address of the examination center
· the time of my road test, and also
· payment method
· your driver’s license
· to be there an hour ahead of time
That’s what I know about the automated booking system process, hope it will be of any help. Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 多伦多电话路考排期系统操作流程 --ZT
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第一步:拨此电话号码416-325-8580(白天很难接通,晚上8点以后较好接通。)
    * “你已接通交通部自动排期服务系统。”( 法语重复一遍)
    * “要求音频电话服务用英语的话,请按1。 ” (法语重复一遍)
    * ”否则,请别挂电话 “
    * 如果希望该辅助系统用正常语速对你说话,请按1,如果希望用慢一点的语速,请按2。
    * 请注意:该系统提供的最早日期与接线员提供的最早日期是一样的。在此过程中任何时候如果需要接线员的帮助,请在工作时间内再打此电话并按0。
    * 排期、确认或取消路考或者只是询问最早的日期,请按1。
    * 如果你是老年人,要排期的话,请按2。
    * 要求接线员帮助的话,请在工作时间内打此电话并按0。
    * 要求了解工作时间的话,请按0。
    * 如果你已准备好你的安省驾照和笔的话,请按1,否则的话,请按2。
    * 请准备好你的安省驾照和笔之后再打此电话,再见,并感谢你致电交通部。
    * 如果你是要预定日期的话,请准备好你的信用卡。
    * 请在你的电话上按与你驾照的第一字母相符的数字。输入Q,请按1。输入Z,请按0。
    * (比如按2) 你输入的字母可能使A,B,或C。请按1输入A,2输入B,或者3输入C。
    * 请输入字母后面的数字。
    * 你所输入的安省驾照号码是:A0000-00000-00000,如果正确,请按1。否则,请按2。
    * 如果遇到困难,你可以在上午9点至下午5点按0获得接线员的帮助。请注意:该系统提供的最早日期与接线员提供的最早日期是一样的。
    * 请别挂电话。
    * 要听最早路考日期,请按1。要预定路考日期,请按2。要确认路考,请按3。要取消路考,请按4。
    * 要选择城市,你应该输入你想查询城市的头三个字母。
    * 请输入此城市的第一个字母。你输入的字母可能是T,U,或V。请按1输入T,2输入U,或者3输入V。
    * 请输入此城市的第二个字母。你输入的字母可能是M,N,或O。请按1输入M,2输入N,或者3输入O。
    * 请输入此城市的第三个字母。你输入的字母可能是P,R,或S。请按1输入P,2输入R,或者3输入S。
    * 你输入的该城市的头三个字母是T,O, R。如果正确,请按1。否则,请按2重新输入。
    * 要选择METRO EAST,请按1;选MORNINGSIDE请按2;选ETOBICOKE请按3;想选其它城市查询的话,请按9。
    * 你选择了MORNINGSIDE驾照考试中心。如果正确,请按1。否则,请安2重新输入。MORNINGSIDE考试中心的最早日期是2002年10月23日。要预定在此中心路考,请按1。要查询不同的考试中心,请按2。要结束通话,请按3。

    注:我在此按3结束了通话。因为我已经拿到了驾照,所以不好意思再选择预定考期了。我记得我原来选择预定之后,电话里会说出考试中心的地址和路考的时间,还会告诉你付款方式,并要求你带着驾照提前一个小时到。我所知道的就这些,希望对大家有所帮助。另外由于此系统有缺陷,所有知道你驾照号码的人都可以利用你的号码排期(通常是你教练的太太,你不妨问一下你的教练他的太太平时在做什么.如果他的回答是呆在家里那就是作这个工作了),但是一些不良教练利用你的号码排期后由于某些原因要取消而又没有及时取消的话,你将被处以罚款,一次要罚40加币。而且三次取消你就不能再使用电话路考排期系统。只能通过人工来排期。因此如果目前持有G1 G2驾照的话,每隔一段时间打电话去检查一下,以避免不必要的罚款。


    Process for Automated Booking Service
    Step 1: Dial the number 416-325-8580
    Step 2: You will hear the following:
    · You have reached the ministry of transportation automated booking service. (then in French)
    · For touch-tone service in English, press 1 now. (then in French)
    · Otherwise, please hold.
    Step 3: If you press 1, you will hear:
    · If you like this assistance to speak to you in a normal speed, press 1, a slower speed, press 2.
    · Please note that the first available date provided by this system is the same first available date provided by the operator. If you require operator assistance at any time, please call back during business hours and press 0.
    · To book, confirm or cancel an appointment or inquire on the first available road test date, press 1 now.
    · If you are a senior driver and require a road test, press 2.
    · For operator assistance, please call during business hours and press zero.
    · For business hours, please press 0
    · If you have your Ontario driver’s license number and a pen with you, press 1, otherwise press 2.
    Step 4: If you press 2, you will hear:
    · Please call back when you have your Ontario driver’s license number and have a pen available. Good-bye and thank you for calling the ministry of transportation.
    If you press 1, you will hear:
    · You may be required to have your credit card ready if you’re booking or re-booking a road test.
    · Press the number on your telephone that matches the first letter of your driver’s license. To enter the letter Q, press 1. To enter the letter Z, press 0.
    · (Press 2 for example) The letter entered could be A, B, C. Please press 1 for A, 2 for B or 3 for C.
    · Please enter the numbers after the letter.
    · The Ontario driver’s license number you entered is A0000-00000-00000. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 2.
    · If you experience difficulties, operator assistance is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm by pressing 0. Please note that the first available date provided by this system is the same first available date provided by the operator.
    · Please hold the line.
    Step 5: Take Morningside for example:
    · To hear the first available road test date, press 1. To book a road test, press 2. To confirm a road test appointment, press 3. To cancel a road test appointment, press 4.
    · To select the city, you will be asked to enter the first three letters of the city you are inquiring on.
    · Please enter the first letter of the city. The letter entered could be T, U or V. Please press 1 for T, 2 for U, or 3 for V.
    · Please enter the second letter for the city. The letter entered could be M, N, or O. Please press 1 for M, 2 for N, or 3 for O.
    · Please enter the third letter of the city. The letter entered could be P, R, or S. Please press 1 for P, 2 for R, or 3 for S.
    · The first three letters of the city you’ve entered are T.O.R. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise press 2 to re-enter. Please hold the line.
    · For Metro East, press 1, for Morningside, press 2, for Etobicoke press 3.
    · To enter the name of another city you would like to inquire on, press 9.

    Step 6: Depending on your choice:
    · You select the Morningside Driver Examination Center. If this is correct, press 1. Otherwise, press 2 to re-enter. For Morningside, the first available date is on Oct. 23, 2002. To book a road test using this center, press 1. To inquire on a different center, press 2. To end this call, press 3.

    Comment: I hereby pressed 3 to end the call, because I’ve already got the G license and don’t want to risk booking again for unsure consequences. I remember being told about things like the following:
    · the address of the examination center
    · the time of my road test, and also
    · payment method
    · your driver’s license
    · to be there an hour ahead of time
    That’s what I know about the automated booking system process, hope it will be of any help. Good luck!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 其实我觉得这个电话也不难打, 我大概一共打过30次(包括定期,查询,cancel) 个人觉得50%都是通的
    • thanks,请问机场考试也是这电话吗?
      • Yes. Good Luck
    • 谢谢!