你教孩子开车,你说-do not drive on the wrong side of the road,you will get yourself killed这时,你不是诅咒希望他 get killed,你是警告他这个事情。我不是钻牛角尖哈,只是感觉一个感情色彩很浓的煽情的词,不太适合一个严肃讨论,思辩的交流 - 容易通过激发读者的憎恶,恐惧来舞蹈读者 ----- 酱紫
" 没有科学家认为眼睛是“神”造的 " .... that's a bit over-assertive, or maybe even, if you do not mind me saying so, a blind statement without much ground. be clear between FACTS and OPINIONS, please, thats the foundation of science.
what you said was fair. what i was against was "现代科学已经很明确的表明没有这回事" - that statement is much much much farther down the road than yours. like you said "科学的严谨目前不会说天堂、地狱一定不存在"
it is really hard to convey logic into your guys... when you tell your kid "do not drive on wrong side of road, you will get killed" . are you 恐吓威胁ing your kid? no, you are REASONING him.
the main difference is that you have proof for the driving case. this is not the case for the heaven or hell.
The consequences of "driving in wrong side of the road" have all kinds of prove, isn't it? So, the statement with "没有证据能够证明“存在”的东西" seems to me much closer to 恐吓威胁 than REASONING.
菜蔬误矣,"do not drive on wrong side of road, you will get killed"是很容易验证的,而几十万年了,几十几百亿人故去了,还没有一个传话回来,是去了天堂还是地狱,use evidence to prove logic please.
-xbhydx(IT 南郭);