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Any body out there who tired of those senseless FUBAI and want to experience the true spirit of this country, come in…

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛For a country which has so much to offer for scenery, hiking areas, natural parks, trails, lakes, waterways, etc....

Yet most of us here seems still lived in the same life which we enjoyed back in China, Chinese food, kraoke, potluck dinners, card games, lap dance, Marjon, etc… the only out door activity I've seen so far is a picnic in the city park… and with a bunch of kids running around…

I live in the Toronto area and the city is about drive me nuts: I need to get out! Spring is here, I'm thinking a weekend hike in Algonquin Park in next long weekend (from May 4 to the 6th) with some like mind people. I was hoping to do a bit of hiking on the fourth and come out on the 6th. The path will be the first loop of the western uplands backpacking trail. The hike is about 32-33km. I've called the park and they are expecting there to still be some patchy snow in the bush but people are already going in. If anyone is interested please follow the thread. If there is enough interest we could rent a van to go up if not we'll organize cars… in any case, if anyone wants to go LETS GO!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Any body out there who tired of those senseless FUBAI and want to experience the true spirit of this country, come in…
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛For a country which has so much to offer for scenery, hiking areas, natural parks, trails, lakes, waterways, etc....

    Yet most of us here seems still lived in the same life which we enjoyed back in China, Chinese food, kraoke, potluck dinners, card games, lap dance, Marjon, etc… the only out door activity I've seen so far is a picnic in the city park… and with a bunch of kids running around…

    I live in the Toronto area and the city is about drive me nuts: I need to get out! Spring is here, I'm thinking a weekend hike in Algonquin Park in next long weekend (from May 4 to the 6th) with some like mind people. I was hoping to do a bit of hiking on the fourth and come out on the 6th. The path will be the first loop of the western uplands backpacking trail. The hike is about 32-33km. I've called the park and they are expecting there to still be some patchy snow in the bush but people are already going in. If anyone is interested please follow the thread. If there is enough interest we could rent a van to go up if not we'll organize cars… in any case, if anyone wants to go LETS GO!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Long weekend on May 4th? for what? I know there is one on May 21st.
    • Sounds Great! I dreamed of wild landscape for a long time. Please count me as one whenever you go!
    • 啊!终于找到同志啦,这里的人对户外活动感兴趣的不多,我也试过没人相应.是4号还是21号?另外我有一顶双人帐和睡袋,你有汽炉吗? 林子里面好象不能生营火.
      • Me too! Don't forget to notify us!
    • Good idea.That's why we come to this country.please notify me by alantwy@canada.com
    • I wanna join you, call me at 416-425-2009
    • Great Idea! But I can't make it if it's May 4th to 6th. If you arrange it at another time, let me know.
      • 5月4日不是浩利DAY。维多利亚日在21号。
        • 5.4是青年节,难怪这么多人不喜欢了
      • Bloor老兄,你也打算带女儿去呀?那可是漫漫长路.孩子是走不动的.去年我和先生背着半岁的儿子,整整走了一天,20公里山路.那种累的感觉终生难忘.后来见到MOOSE都没力气下车去看.即使35公里走三天,也会累.特别是孩子.
        • I don't worry about my daughter (when we family went to BaDaLing in BJ, everytime my leader and I are too tired to move, but my daughter still could run), but I do worry about myself. But that's one of the important reason we choose Canada.
      • 我们等维多利亚日再去远征吧。
    • 喂!意见建议, How about a canoe trip in Algonquin, 我几年前参加过一次,难以忘怀, you got to see to believe. 我向一家 Algonquin Outfiter打听了,他们出租器才,canoe-$19/d, Tent-$4/d,Stove $4/d, 参加的人自备睡袋.
      • 好主意!cannoe trip比hiking舒服多了.但是有时候得两个人扛着cannoe走.因为湖是不相连的.你得把船从一个湖扛到另一个湖或溪中. 还得带足三天的给养和睡袋.这种玩的方法不适合有孩子的人.
        • 所以我反对
      • Great! But it is too cold in May, better do it in July (Canada Day).
    • Great idea!非常想尝试野外活动,神秘而刺激,。。在睡袋里看星星。。
      • 在睡袋里看星星? What do you see?
        • should be` 躺在睡袋里,看着星星入睡,ok?
          • 嘿,有ROCOON隔着帐篷舔你的头。可怕还是可爱?
            • what`s ROCOON? PLEASE don`t laugh at me.
              • 浣熊
            • Yes. Check this out.
            • Is it "racoon"?
              • Or raccoon
      • haha, you are still a little girl. There are serveral provincial parks with beautiful lakes along highway 7 , between TO and Ottawa. Some of them have designated camping grounds. But usually those camping grounds are closed until the third week of May.
    • 我可不可以建议不去那么远的Algonquin Park?那里是特别美丽.但是到那里,除非是CAMPING,其他的都象是找罪受. 有一个地方叫ELORA gorge,在小城Guelph附近.很美很宁静.沿着河谷静静地走,岩石和溪流互相缠绕.
      崖顶有些野生的核桃树,不时会有绿色的果实砸下来.偶然一株红枫,火一样的迎风摇摆.(去年秋天的经验)而且那里可以钓鱼,可以CAMPING.在CAMPING的地方看到不少孩子嬉戏烧烤.在崖边的树林奔跑嬉戏.又有小瀑布可以游泳.(尽管我没有找到) .而且那里一天有一天的玩法.一个礼拜有一个礼拜的玩法.Algonquin Park需要的是至少三天.
      • It sounds so beautiful, as well as your chinese words. 能够感觉到那种意境, 很美. BTW, how to say 意境 in English?
    • my email is hhll26@yahoo.com. Please notify me if you take any action. My phone is 416-435-4188.
    • Hi,Lunch break的时侯当了一幅Algonquin canoe routes map, 可用的路线很多,有的完全可以不用上岸,即使需要背船,也不是很远, 几百米一公里, 30公斤的Canoe 两人没问题.沿岸营地很多,上次我们是在一个岛上扎营和野鸭子抢地盘. Email me:canoetrip2001@yahoo.com.
      • Shoot! My mistake, it's May 21, desperate me. 花儿兄,行贿行贿, Canoe trip真是一个好主意,可惜21号我就不能参加了,5月14号到6月初我去美国出差. 没想到有这莫多同好,你能否出来组织一下. Sorry,Sorry!
        • What you can't go? wuuuu.......... Alright, I will call a meeting for those who inerested. Email me : canoetrip2001@yahoo.com.