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美国的流浪之路 (整理一下,放到这里,同学们也好查询)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大离北极那么近,区区几千万人,加上苛捐杂税,相比较很多国家,已经毫无吸引力可言。





Hopefully never happens, but in case you get pink slip in States
You will launch a better job very soon.

If it's not the case, as a Canadian, you are entitled to receive full amount of unemployment benefit, which is around $2000+ per month for 6-10 months (don't know exact number here, also may vary in States).


If your employer is willing to sponsor your green card, 3 steps you need to go through
1) PERM (Less than a year)
2) I-140 (couple of weeks)
3) I-485 (depends, EB2 category: the current priority date is 04/22/2005 for China-born applicants)

Not proven yet, rough estimation: it takes about 2 years to have the process done for Chinese. (Your Canadian citizenship would not help the speed at all)

美加退休金Totalization Agreement

means your social security tax paid in States is going to be taken into account with you Canada CPP.

Thinking that paying States Social Security is adding up to what you paid to CPP. No lose.

URL: http://www.ssa.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/canada.html

工作 (For Seattle Area)

1) 象monster这个大家都知道,不过要想雇主经常注意到你的简历,你得每周更新一下. 简历的出镜率是由你最新update日期决定的.
2) 试试这个网站,听说工作广告比较实在。http://www.dice.com/

3) 这个很有名,http://www.craigslist.org/
craigslist, 点击不同城市,看当地工作广告,


4) 西雅图地区报纸:

5) 秘密武器:加入seajug(Seattle Java User Group) ,这里几乎包揽当地的Java工作: seajug_jobs@yahoogroups.com

TN的个数:理论上不限。但是每年或每换一个新工作就得换TN。而且可以同时拥有1个以上的TN。也就是说,你可以兼职,只要那份兼职工作在TN job list上。俺原先一个加拿大人同事,白天上班,晚上用另外一个TN在College教课。俺前后拿了5个TN。

根据你的签证,家属拿 TD或H4。可以上学读书,拿credits或学位。但不能打工,包括校园内的短工,这一点不象F1签证。


详情参看:URL: http://www.quack.net/natda/resident.html (oopp 同学贡献)

家属一定得办TD或H4签证,这样才能申请TIN(Tax Identification Number) ,据此拿免税额度(能把tax income减低很多) 。比如一个孩子减掉$3300(2006),注意这一项加拿大是0; 一个孩子退税$1000, 加拿大也是0。加拿大如果有温饱的家庭工资收入,牛奶金就几乎拿不到了。

More about TAX

1) Deductions lower your taxable income
2) Credits lower your taxes.
3) An exemption is an amount of money you can subtract from your Adjusted Gross Income, just for being you or having dependents.

Federal tax numbers for 2006 tax year

Standard deduction for married taxpayers filing a joint return - $10,300
Exemption for each dependent: $3300

So for a married couple without kid, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*2) = $16900
For a married couple with 2 kids, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*4) = $23500

Child Tax Credit = $1000.
For example, if you have 2 kids and you calculate you owe $7000 tax to Uncle Sam, the final tax you need to pay is $7000-$2000 = $5000

With itemized, if your mortgage interest + property tax + others > Standard deduction ($10300), you should itemize your tax return.



西雅图欢迎你!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国工签 / 美国的流浪之路 (整理一下,放到这里,同学们也好查询) +4
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大离北极那么近,区区几千万人,加上苛捐杂税,相比较很多国家,已经毫无吸引力可言。





    Hopefully never happens, but in case you get pink slip in States
    You will launch a better job very soon.

    If it's not the case, as a Canadian, you are entitled to receive full amount of unemployment benefit, which is around $2000+ per month for 6-10 months (don't know exact number here, also may vary in States).


    If your employer is willing to sponsor your green card, 3 steps you need to go through
    1) PERM (Less than a year)
    2) I-140 (couple of weeks)
    3) I-485 (depends, EB2 category: the current priority date is 04/22/2005 for China-born applicants)

    Not proven yet, rough estimation: it takes about 2 years to have the process done for Chinese. (Your Canadian citizenship would not help the speed at all)

    美加退休金Totalization Agreement

    means your social security tax paid in States is going to be taken into account with you Canada CPP.

    Thinking that paying States Social Security is adding up to what you paid to CPP. No lose.

    URL: http://www.ssa.gov/international/Agreement_Pamphlets/canada.html

    工作 (For Seattle Area)

    1) 象monster这个大家都知道,不过要想雇主经常注意到你的简历,你得每周更新一下. 简历的出镜率是由你最新update日期决定的.
    2) 试试这个网站,听说工作广告比较实在。http://www.dice.com/

    3) 这个很有名,http://www.craigslist.org/
    craigslist, 点击不同城市,看当地工作广告,


    4) 西雅图地区报纸:

    5) 秘密武器:加入seajug(Seattle Java User Group) ,这里几乎包揽当地的Java工作: seajug_jobs@yahoogroups.com

    TN的个数:理论上不限。但是每年或每换一个新工作就得换TN。而且可以同时拥有1个以上的TN。也就是说,你可以兼职,只要那份兼职工作在TN job list上。俺原先一个加拿大人同事,白天上班,晚上用另外一个TN在College教课。俺前后拿了5个TN。

    根据你的签证,家属拿 TD或H4。可以上学读书,拿credits或学位。但不能打工,包括校园内的短工,这一点不象F1签证。


    详情参看:URL: http://www.quack.net/natda/resident.html (oopp 同学贡献)

    家属一定得办TD或H4签证,这样才能申请TIN(Tax Identification Number) ,据此拿免税额度(能把tax income减低很多) 。比如一个孩子减掉$3300(2006),注意这一项加拿大是0; 一个孩子退税$1000, 加拿大也是0。加拿大如果有温饱的家庭工资收入,牛奶金就几乎拿不到了。

    More about TAX

    1) Deductions lower your taxable income
    2) Credits lower your taxes.
    3) An exemption is an amount of money you can subtract from your Adjusted Gross Income, just for being you or having dependents.

    Federal tax numbers for 2006 tax year

    Standard deduction for married taxpayers filing a joint return - $10,300
    Exemption for each dependent: $3300

    So for a married couple without kid, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*2) = $16900
    For a married couple with 2 kids, you get total deduction = (10300+3300*4) = $23500

    Child Tax Credit = $1000.
    For example, if you have 2 kids and you calculate you owe $7000 tax to Uncle Sam, the final tax you need to pay is $7000-$2000 = $5000

    With itemized, if your mortgage interest + property tax + others > Standard deduction ($10300), you should itemize your tax return.



    西雅图欢迎你!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错,谢谢
      • 6年前的古董也能翻出来,厉害。下一个可以挖古墓了。
        • 我还没注意日期2007。这个post是system自动推送的,不过人们都是在怀旧中渡过吗,难道老家真得忘了文贵的鳄鱼皮皮鞋了吗
    • 2007年?太不一样了,那时老国移不难去加州,西雅图找个工作,那时也没有leedcode,现在老国移95%过不去第一轮的leedcode medium
      • no. leetcode is not too hard
    • 请问失业保险是从加拿大还是美国拿?
      • 从你工作那个州拿。
        • 谢谢,有什么条件吗?
          • 每个州要求不一样,给的钱也不一样。
            • 以前说TN拿不了?
              • 没有啊,我一直拿啊。记得在 Pittsburgh 被勒了,2010年,我申请了,批准了,一个月$2000。拿了五个月,又在波士顿找到新工作。
                • 要离境吗?
                  • 那个时候,没有工作,你必须离境啊。现在政策放宽了,可以不必马上离境。
                    • Grace period期间可以领UI? source pls?
                • 没工作了,那医疗怎么办,自己买么?
    • 有这个精神,在加拿大也能混很好啦,2007年买房比美国强多了。
      • 如果在多伦多温哥华的话,房子就泡赢美国了