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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

It's true. 我刚收到我们学校的email。但这也说明不了什么!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Congratulations to the UW team!

UW team finishes third in ACM contest finals

WATERLOO, Ont. -- A tradition continues, as a University of Waterloo
team finished among the top 10 in the 26th ACM International Collegiate
Programming Contest held last weekend in Honolulu, Hawaii.

UW's team, made up of three mathematics students, placed third in the
ACM finals, edged out by China's Shanghai JiaoTong University and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A total of 64 teams from around
the world competed in the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
contest, sponsored by IBM.

Just five teams solved six problems (out of nine provided) in the
five-hour contest on Saturday. JiaoTong did it fastest, running up 831
penalty minutes. MIT had 972 minutes and Waterloo had 974. Also solving
six problems were Tsinghua University (of China) and Stanford

UW's team members were undergraduates Graeme Kemkes and Denis Dmitriev,
as well as graduate Ming-Yee Iu. Team coach was Prof. Gordon Cormack, of
computer science, who went to Waikiki Beach with them for the

This year's third place finish builds on UW's excellent record. "In the
previous nine years, Waterloo has finished no lower than 10th, has been
twice World Champion (1994-95 and 1998-99) and four times North American
Champion," Cormack said.

Second place among Canadian entries in the ACM finals went to the
University of Toronto team, which solved four problems to tie for 18th
place in the contest. For contest results, check:

The finalists -- three-member student teams -- relied on their
programming skills and creativity to solve complex problems using both
traditional and new programming languages.

More than 100,000 of the world's top computer science/engineering
students and faculty from over 1,100 universities around the world
competed last fall in regional contests to qualify for the ACM finals.
UW's team secured its berth by finishing first at the East Central
Regional Contest held last November.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 推荐:我对美国大学的一点粗浅知识(zhuan)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我对美国大学的一点粗浅知识


    美国立国后不久,公民接受高等教育问题就提到了议事日程上来了。俗话说“先有哈佛,后有合众国”。这些私立学校的容量实在满足不了需要。于是联邦政府通过了一个“土地资助大学”议案。按每一户人家出一名子弟念大学估计,每州建一所University of大学。由联邦拨给大面积土地给这些大学。这些大学就用土地的收入支持。在这个议案中建立的大学通称“土地资助大学”。



    另外各州还有自己建的大学,其中多有农业培训站发展而成的。这类各州自己建立的大学一般称为state university,以别于University of大学。当然,不管公立还是私立,如果某州已经University of大学了(比如U Pen),该州的土地资助大学只好另起名字。就和著名的“老乡村自助餐”(old contry buffet)进入科罗拉多州时,因该州已经有个叫“老乡村”(old contry)的餐馆了。该连锁自助餐在科罗拉多只好将“老(old)”字去掉,改称“乡村(contry)自助餐”了一样。












    这些有关美国大学的知识都是我当年刚来美国时就想知道的,但似乎别的中国留学生都对此都无兴趣,故将我所知道的一点凤毛麟爪写出来。因都是十多年前的知识了,其中不准与过时之处在所难免。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 总结一下,一流大学(老牌私立大学)大致相当于中国的清华、复旦;二流大学(国立大学)大致相当于中国的浙江大学、南开大学等;三流大学(州立大学)大致相当于中国的(老)杭州大学、天津大学等;四流大学大致相当于。。。不说了
      • 不怕挨砸?
        • 哪句话说漏嘴了?没有啊?戴个头盔先。
          • 孵蛋也算一流大学?
            • 您的意思是。。。?
      • 关公战秦琼之大学版
      • 有没有搞错?!清华相当于美国的后二流大学(50-100),这一点中国社科院的调查研究报告也是这么说的。别的国内大学就不说了吧?楼上的总结有点像前段时间在Princeton Review有一位老兄说的U of T是世界上最强最好的大学。
        • 开什么玩笑!
          • ?我觉得ken没开玩笑啊,清华与美国的一流大学相比确实还差一些。
        • Ken兄弟有些误会了,我只是做相对对比,以美国一流比中国的一流,并不是在两个一流之间比高低。作绝对比较的话,我同意清华相当于美国50-100的观点。
          • 绝对排不到前100
          • Oh, I understand now.
      • 有没有搞错? 若论"老牌",天津大学是中国第一所大学(1895),建国前和YALE,MIT等是兄弟院校...
        中国目前正规大学大概有300所以上?重点院校只有28所(5年前).如果非要跟冠亚军似的每一个"流"里只评一所,我看中国人就越来越出息了 - 自己跟自己过不去都这么狠.
        • 有湖南朋友跟我说湖南的一所大学是世界上第一所大学,校史超过1000年,原因是该校的原址是古代的一个书院,据考证该书院始建于1000年前,所以该校自诩为千年名校。
          • 什么事情都要找出世界第一,是中国人心理有问题; 中国自己内部谁也不能当第一,也是心理有问题.
          • 没错,就是张卫健演的顽皮小不懂上的那个书院。
        • 现代意义上的大学,天大的确是中国第一个。
      • 没意思, 嘿嘿,当然, 如果GPA可以乘一个学校的系数还差不多.
      • 最好不要这么比. 由其是复旦, 院系调整前是四流大学, 之后也没见培养出过像钱学森,李四光,茅以升,周培源这一档次的人才, 实在让人觉得有负其名.
        北大, 清华, 交大, 浙大都培养出过国宝级文化和科学人才. 院系调整时交大浙大中大等有一大批一流教授被调去复旦, 其中浙大就至少去了苏步青, 谈家祯, 谷超豪三个大师级人物. 在下虽不是浙大校友, 但很为浙大鸣不平.
        • 听你的口吻怎么这么象交大的??
      • 26界世界计算机ACM-ICPC大赛交大第一清华第四复旦第七
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Rank Name Solved Penalty
        1 Shanghai JiaoTong University 6 831
        2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6 972
        3 University of Waterloo 6 974
        4 Tsinghua University 6 1186
        5 Stanford University 6 1264
        6 Saratov State University 5 532
        7 Fudan University 5 678
        8 Duke University 5 808
        9 Moscow State University 5 856
        10 Universidad de Buenos Aires 5 894
        11 Charles University Prague 5
        11 Royal Institute of Technology 5
        11 Seoul National University 5
        11 St Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics 5
        11 University of New South Wales 5
        11 University of Wisconsin - Madison 5
        11 Warsaw University 5
        18 Albert Einstein University Ulm 4
        18 Belarusian State University 4
        18 Novosibirsk State University 4
        18 Petrozavodsk State University 4
        18 POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest 4
        18 Sharif University of Technology 4
        18 The University of Tokyo 4
        18 University of Oldenburg 4
        18 University of Toronto 4
        27 California Institute of Technology 3
        27 Cornell University 3
        27 Orel State Technical University 3
        27 Queen's University 3
        27 Sofia University 3
        27 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 3
        27 The University of Chicago 3
        27 University of Calgary 3
        27 University of California, San Diego 3
        27 University of Central Florida 3
        27 University of Otago 3
        27 University of Texas at Austin 3
        27 University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 3
        27 Virginia Tech 3
        Honorable Mention
        American International University Bangladesh Nanyang Technological Univers
        Amir Kabir University of Technology National Chiao Tung University
        Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology National Taiwan Univer
        Cairo University Saint Mary's University
        Ecole Polytechnique Texas Tech University
        Ewha Womans University Universidade de S鉶 Paulo
        Florida Institute of Technology Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
        Indian Institute of Technology - Kanpur University of Arkansas
        Instituto Tecnol骻ico de Ciudad Madero University of California at Berkele
        ITESM, Campus Monterrey University of Nebraska - Lincoln
        LeTourneau University University of North Carolina
        Messiah College University of Wisconsin - Parkside
        Super-Region Champion
        Africa and the Middle East University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesbu
        Asia Shanghai JiaoTong University
        Europe Saratov State University
        Latin America Universidad de Buenos Aires
        North America Massachusetts Institute of Technology
        South Pacific University of New South Wales更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Cong!
        • 好象没有印度的大学?
        • It is not true
          • So what's the truth? Tell us the truth!
        • so?
        • It's true. 我刚收到我们学校的email。但这也说明不了什么!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Congratulations to the UW team!

          UW team finishes third in ACM contest finals

          WATERLOO, Ont. -- A tradition continues, as a University of Waterloo
          team finished among the top 10 in the 26th ACM International Collegiate
          Programming Contest held last weekend in Honolulu, Hawaii.

          UW's team, made up of three mathematics students, placed third in the
          ACM finals, edged out by China's Shanghai JiaoTong University and the
          Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A total of 64 teams from around
          the world competed in the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
          contest, sponsored by IBM.

          Just five teams solved six problems (out of nine provided) in the
          five-hour contest on Saturday. JiaoTong did it fastest, running up 831
          penalty minutes. MIT had 972 minutes and Waterloo had 974. Also solving
          six problems were Tsinghua University (of China) and Stanford

          UW's team members were undergraduates Graeme Kemkes and Denis Dmitriev,
          as well as graduate Ming-Yee Iu. Team coach was Prof. Gordon Cormack, of
          computer science, who went to Waikiki Beach with them for the

          This year's third place finish builds on UW's excellent record. "In the
          previous nine years, Waterloo has finished no lower than 10th, has been
          twice World Champion (1994-95 and 1998-99) and four times North American
          Champion," Cormack said.

          Second place among Canadian entries in the ACM finals went to the
          University of Toronto team, which solved four problems to tie for 18th
          place in the contest. For contest results, check:

          The finalists -- three-member student teams -- relied on their
          programming skills and creativity to solve complex problems using both
          traditional and new programming languages.

          More than 100,000 of the world's top computer science/engineering
          students and faculty from over 1,100 universities around the world
          competed last fall in regional contests to qualify for the ACM finals.
          UW's team secured its berth by finishing first at the East Central
          Regional Contest held last November.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • ACM竞赛什么也代表不了, 就是一个coding水平的比较,和学校实际教学,科研关系一点联系都没有.不过中国特重视,不只为什么?
      • 不知美国哪所大学是"国立大学"?
        • “国立大学”是指University of xxx,用以区别“州立大学”即xxx State University,这个称呼并不十分科学,但作为俗称也未为不可。
          • 我觉得所有公立大学都应是州政府support的, 因为只对本州居民优惠. 您所说仅是名字的差别.比如宾州, U of Penn被私立大学抢先注册,公立的只好叫Penn State U.
    • 很想问一句, 我国这么多"名校", 科研成果在哪里? 为什么还是什么都 要从国外进口? 除了彩电.
    • This is a very good topic. I am very interested in it. Could you tell me if there is any good USA Chinese Community website?
    • interesting
    • 老马不通计算机。无论十年还是二十年前,美国最牛的CS教授当然是D。E。KNUTH,人家好象是在死叹副。