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Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....Time : 10 AM -- 12 This Sunday.. Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....Time : 10 AM -- 12 This Sunday.. Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

上海 吴教练....Ray 教练 ( Maybe come ) .....蓝教练.....

This Sunday Aug 5 网球教学交流 内容

Variation of 正手... 反手..... groundstrokes and the associated footwork including:

1. Forehand topspin and passing shots

2. Backhand topspin, slice and passing shots

Introduction of power zone for wining shots (optional)

Making an informed choice of tennis racquet (optional)

Next Sat Aug 11 ( Not Sunday ....)

Advanced 底线 正手....底线 反手..... shots and the associated footwork including:

1. Approach shots

2. Valley and half valley

3. Drop and net shots

4. Overheads and topspin lobe

Introduction of match tactics (optional)

Avoiding tennis injuries (optional)

Frequently asked questions (optional)

Please Note :

After discuss with the Coach ....

Mississauga Tennis Team Membership requied ( Annual 10 $ ) to buy some Tennis Balls

Please donate 10 $ to Mississauga Tennis Team after the training ( Need to buy a string machine )

See you on the court更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 对 网球 初学者的 一点 建议 ( 原创 )
    • Any training course in Scarborough? Eager to find one! Thanks.
    • 这些问题我都有,哈哈
      • 互相改进...共同提高....
    • 蓝老辛苦了

      6. 网球是 Sqush 运动.....和羽毛球 运动一样 .....脚底下要不停的跑动 或 移动.....找到最好的位置....回球.....

      7. 逐步学会 打 上旋球 ( Top Spin ) ... 和下压动作....

      8. 稳定的击球很重要......不能有过多的下网和出界球
      • 只是一点建议....
        发现一些初学者的常见错误.....好心 纠正而已....并非 灵丹妙药....

        6. 指 步法和羽毛球相似....要移动....
        • 挺有用的。哪天我把发球练好了,也来找你们比赛
          • 飞神的建议很好。不能要求这太高。“葵花宝典”也不过如此。。。
    • 能不能讲一下培训班的地点,时间,内容和费用?
      • 计划 下周六 搞一次 网球初级班
        计划 下周六 搞一次 网球初级班


        About Time : 10:00 AM -- 12 Sat July 21 ( Next Sat ) if not rain

        Location: 6611 Falconer Drive ( Creditview / Britania ) , Mississauga ....

        Will bring one Basket Tennis Ball


        About Time : 10:00 AM -- 12 Sat

        Location: 6611 Falconer Drive ( Creditview / Britania ) , Mississauga ....

        Please donate 10 $ to Mississauga Tennis Team for each class ....

        Thank you
    • 这些问题我都没有,看来我已经不是初学者了。:-)))
    • 飞神,想参加你们的培训班,能讲一下培训时间和其他细则吗? 谢谢
    • 对 网球 初学者的 一点 建议 ( 修改稿 )
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛对 网球 初学者的 一点 建议

      网球是夏季很好的户外体育运动, 它集技术, 力量, 速度, 耐力 于一身, 对技术要求教高, 要学好可不太容易.

      Mississauga Tennis Team 举办了几期 网球 初学者 培训班....

      下面是 网球 初学者 经常发生的一些问题

      及对 网球初学者 的 一些 改进 议见:

      1. 很多人 挥拍 幅度过小.......一定 要加大挥拍 幅度 这样一来才有力量......


      2. 很多人 用手臂打球.......要 用 腰部 带动 肩部 和 手臂 ...手腕 击球. 要有个转腰动作.......

      俗话说: 胳膊拧不过大腿....大腿拧不过小腰.....老腰的力量是很大的.........

      用 身体 前冲 下压 或 甩动击球...可以增加 球速 和 力量......

      3. 不能直身击球......应该 侧身 ....腿要一前一后.....闪开 空荡 侧身 转腰 击球......

      4. 很多人 离球太近...这样不利于做动作.........与球应该 有一米远距离.....这样一来便于挥拍做动作.......不能太近.....

      5. 很多人 站立打球......应该 屈漆 ......不要 站立 击球, 这样击球的稳定性会更好. 也不容易下网.......

      6. 网球是 Sqush 运动.....和羽毛球 运动 的 步法 一样 .....脚底下的步法很重要.....

      打网球要不停的跑动 或 移动.....找到最好的位置....回球.....

      不能在 那里 站立 巍然 不动........要及时调整位置......

      和乒乓球也有点像.....要不怎么叫 Table Tennis 呢......

      7. 逐步 学会 打 上旋球 ( Top Spin ) ... 和下压动作....

      打 网球 上旋球 ( Top Spin ) 有点向乒乓球的 提拉 弧旋 动作...

      挥拍 快速 的 突然向上...这样一来网球是向上旋转的.....并可快速下坠......

      同时再来个 下压动作....保证 网球 不出界....

      8. 稳定的击球很重要......不能有过多的下网和出界球


      但有些初学者容易将球打的 满天飞.....或失去控制...就不太好玩了.....




      在挥拍时...上旋 加 下压动作....既不下网 也不出界...不亦乐呼.......

      9. 为什么 我的 网球下网 ?

      一定要屈漆打球.....拍子比要网球低 一英尺...这样一来的动作是弧线向上的.....另一个要点是拉上旋.....

      10. 为什么 偶的 网球出界 ?

      在挥拍时...要有一个下压动作...这样是 上旋 加 下压动作....既不下网 也不出界...不亦乐呼.......



      11. 锻炼体能.....出出汗


      这是 我们 打 网球 的 主要目的......有氧呼吸......锻炼身体后...小风一吹....

      就一个字: 爽........

      欢迎更多的朋友参加 Mississauga Tennis Team ,

      网球 初学者 培训班......E-mail: [email]Caryluo@hotmail.com[/email]


      Have a nice summer and let us have Tennis Fun




      2007 .07 @ Mississauga更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 可以推荐下入门级的女用拍子吗,谢谢
      • Prince .... Wilson is good
      • Check here
        • 理论结合实际太难了。我从开始一直用Head I.S10., 现在大概3。0的水平,您能不能帮我看看我要不要换拍子?多谢了。连接里有Head I.S10的spec.
          • 拍子看个人喜好....L10 应该还可以....现在 National 有一款 Dunlop 200...为俱乐部 4 .0 专用拍....原价 160 now is only 59 ....强烈推荐....
            • 这个好像不适合我用。head light+small head size, 跟我现在的I.S10跳越太大。怕适应不了。我现在随便用别人的球拍基本没法打。
              • Ok
            • 200 is only 59 now? so cheap. how about 300?
              • 300 seris only 69.99 $
            • 这款球拍不带拍线, 初学者买穿好线的还是让商店给绷线?
              • If no string....Must let somebody do it for the string...
        • 有具体的推荐吗,拍子的等级和价钱有必然联系吗
          • 拍子看个人喜好....现在 National 有一款 Dunlop 200...为俱乐部 4 .0 专用拍....原价 160 now is only 59 ....推荐
            • Cary, got Dunlop 400 for $69.99 in national, where and which type of string you recommed.
    • 好贴一定得顶! 下周争取去练练.
    • 大哥, 上旋同时下压...不好弄呀....这跟BEND OVER BACKWARDS 不一回事嘛...
      • 多练一练就有了...
        • test
          Image and video hosting by TinyPic
        • PMed you.
    • More Tennis Information here
    • 对于 网球 爱好者 中级班 的 一点建议
    • Mississauga Tennis Team 中级 网球 教学活动.....由上海 吴教练 教 ...内容: 发球....网前截击 ( Middle Level ) Time : 10 AM --12 This Sunday....Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga
      I maybe can not show up ...Coach Wu and Mike Shi will responsible
      • I will be there if weather permits
        • 的确是好帖!久违了,罗大哥
          • Welcome all the time
            • 飞神, 羡慕你们的活动组织的很红火, 什么时候请教练来我们被约克传授一下.
              • So far Coach Wu only teach in Mississauga .....Welcome to the Mississauga location next Sunday About 10 AM
        • Pretty good. It is worth to go there from North York. Thanks Mr. Wu and Li, For sure Mr Luo.
        • Very nice practice, many thanks to Coach Wu and Cary Luo. Expecting More.
    • 网球 高级 技术 交流
    • Mississauga Tennis Team 活动: 内容: Wu 教练..... 发球....接发球...Ray 教练.... 反手底线...网球比赛示范.....Time : This Sunday 10 AM -- 12 Location: 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga Welcome ....
      • Welcome Li Yu all the times
        • 这个周末(July 28 or 29)有对初学者的培训吗?thanks
          • It is Middle level ... But you are welcomed if you want to come
    • Mississauga Tennis Team Training .... Time : 10 AM--12 Sunday July 29 ....Location: 6611 Falconer Drive 吴教练....Cary ...Ray and Li Yu ( Maybe come )
      This Sunday Program:

      Would suggest the following advanced trainings this Sunday for people who support Mississauga Tennis Activities:

      1. Consolidate serve and introduce return techniques.
      2. Improve Volley and introduce approach shots.
      3. Fundamental of vision technique (optional).

      Participates are required to have solid groundstrokes.

      Please Note :

      This is Mississauga Tennis Team Advanced Training

      Mississauga Tennis Team Members are Welcomed...

      Also welcome other positive good Players ( Capacity 8-10 )

      Please PM if you want to come.....

      After discuss with the Coach...

      Please donate 10 $ to the Mississauga Tennis Team for each class ( Hope to get a good String Machine )

      Mississauga Tennis Team Membership is 10 $ so we can buy some new Tennis Ball ....

      Have fun ....
    • 网球发球
    • 网球接发球
    • Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....Time : 10 AM -- 12 This Sunday.. Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....Time : 10 AM -- 12 This Sunday.. Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      上海 吴教练....Ray 教练 ( Maybe come ) .....蓝教练.....

      This Sunday Aug 5 网球教学交流 内容

      Variation of 正手... 反手..... groundstrokes and the associated footwork including:

      1. Forehand topspin and passing shots

      2. Backhand topspin, slice and passing shots

      Introduction of power zone for wining shots (optional)

      Making an informed choice of tennis racquet (optional)

      Next Sat Aug 11 ( Not Sunday ....)

      Advanced 底线 正手....底线 反手..... shots and the associated footwork including:

      1. Approach shots

      2. Valley and half valley

      3. Drop and net shots

      4. Overheads and topspin lobe

      Introduction of match tactics (optional)

      Avoiding tennis injuries (optional)

      Frequently asked questions (optional)

      Please Note :

      After discuss with the Coach ....

      Mississauga Tennis Team Membership requied ( Annual 10 $ ) to buy some Tennis Balls

      Please donate 10 $ to Mississauga Tennis Team after the training ( Need to buy a string machine )

      See you on the court更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....Time : Sat 6:00 PM --- 8 PM Aug 11 ( Not Sunday ) ....Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga
      Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学交流....

      Sat..... 上海 吴教练 will 加班....Only have time at 6:00 PM --- 8 PM

      Sunday will be Rogers Cup.... So time a little bit change.....

      Time : Sat 6:00 PM --- 8 PM Aug 11 ( Not Sunday ....

      Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      上海 吴教练....Ray 教练 ( Maybe come ) .....蓝教练.....

      网球教学交流 内容:

      Advanced 底线 正手....底线 反手..... shots and the associated footwork including:

      1. Approach shots

      2. Valley and half valley

      3. Drop and net shots

      4. Overheads and topspin lobe

      Introduction of match tactics (optional)

      Avoiding tennis injuries (optional)

      Frequently asked questions (optional)

      Please Note :

      After discuss with the Coach ....

      Please donate 10 $ to Mississauga Tennis Team after the training ( Need to buy a string machine )

      See you on the court
    • Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学.....Time: 6PM -- 8 PM Sat location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga
      Mississauga Tennis Team 网球教学.....Time: 6PM -- 8 PM Sat location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      Coach Wu will teach ....

      I will be out of town for 2 weeks.... Mike Shi will responsible

      This week

      Advanced F/B hand shots and the associated footwork:

      1. Approach shots

      2. Valley and half valley

      Introduction of match tactics (optional)

      Projected for next week

      Advanced F/B hand shots and the associated footwork (Cont'd):

      3. Drop and net shots

      4. Overheads and topspin lobe

      Avoiding tennis injuries (optional)

      Frequently asked questions (optional)

      The teaching player are better to donate 5-10 $ to support the Mississauga Tennis Team ....

      So we buy a string machine.....
      • Please note this Saturday’s tennis coaching is cancelled due to Rogers Cup semi final and get-together with players.
      • Tennis coaching resumed this Saturday.
        • Are you going to come to scarborough this weekend?
    • 多谢啦,我初学啦,上周二第一次上的课,没事做就在家里垫垫球,偶还买了个新拍子,Head Nano TiS6的 (oversize),想问问高人意见, 我是MM,身高1。70,体重50KG,跑动还好,就是手臂不太有力量,这个拍子是不是适合我啦?
      • 合适,
      • 你都停飞了,不会荒点我吧。大叔
      • 应该合适,oversize基本都是给初学者的,只要拿着不觉得太重就行。
    • 本人打的不多, 但俩儿子已打四年多.大儿子(11 岁)经常打安省比赛.最近买了网球穿线机,有需穿网球线者,PM 我.