“Ivory Keys for Cancer”
The concert “Ivory Keys for Cancer” will take place at P. C. Ho Theatre—Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (5183-5193 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough) on Saturday, June 16th, 2007 at 7:15 p.m. This exciting event will feature 8 to 18 year old performers who have won numerous awards at local, provincial, and national piano competitions, All of them are Students of Ms. Mei Zhi Bi and
Mr. Hua An Shen. Both solo pieces and concerto works will be presented; all proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society as well.
Tickets are grouped into three categories: $10 for group A, $15 for group B, and $35 for VIP seats.
“Ivory Keys for Cancer”
鋼琴教育家畢美之和沈華安的8-18歲獲奬學生將于6月16日7:15PM 在大多倫多中華文化中心何伯釗劇院擧行為癌症基金會籌款的義演. 这次鋼琴音樂會將演出精彩的獨奏曲和拹奏曲. 歡
迎鋼琴愛好者, 學生, 老師以及愛心人士參加.
票價: 10元, 15元, 及VIP 35元