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Is this the one?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Originally Posted by Keas
ok i thought everyone was having the remote issue with start up. this is the first time i have heard someone say they have one that actauuly works when they turn the tv on. what date is your tv or does it matter? mine is nov 06.

i really hate to return the tv for another viewsonic about this but it is driving me mad especially when i need the volume down. do you guys think it is a remote issue or the tv? i am wondering if i asked for just a new remote if it would work.

i finally got into the 991 settings and honestly didnt understand alot of them. could anyone give a breif explanation of each? also by changing the values in the 6500,9500,xxxxx temps will that be saved and work when i chose a setting like movie mode or does changing any of the setting later turn these back to default?

i remember looking at settings on a previous post (688or there abouts) and will relook at them but again understanding what i am doing helps instead of just punching in numbers.

thanks for all the help so far


1) Its most likely a remote issue from my guess. Mine is Dec 06 build. Make a note for future reference, (it will happen trust me, its just the matter of time), your remote will go dead on you out of nowhere. Turn the TV on with the TV itself, press and hold the TV button for 5 secs on the remote, 0, 0, 0, 0. Now youre remote comes back to life.

2) The 991 service menu. Note: When using this and want to go back to the default menu, you have to power off/on the tv to get it. Go to adv. pic adjustment, and turn everything off (except the DNR which I leave at high, but thats personal pref). Also set the colour mode to the highest one - if I remember correctly its 110,000? After selecting that colour mode, it will bring you into the RGB colour pallette. This is where you beef up the RGB panel (makes a huge difference, like night and day).

Again, this is all personal preference) I like my display bright and vivid so I run all RGB levels on 175 each. If I recall, out of the box its like at 80? Very very weak settting, thats why the picture quality out of the box is so flat. Anyways bring it up to at least 120-150. Will make the picture come to life. Now, you have to do this with every single output you will be using. So if you will be using the VGA mode, component and HDMI, you have to repeat these steps in every single one of those modes. Be sure to adjust the RGB pallette in the colour temp option to the same levels you have in the 110,000 mode. I have no idea why Viewsonic put two options for having to adjust RGB levels, but not a biggie because once its set you wont ever have to muck around with it again.

Gamma I leave on middle and I dont touch anything else in the 991 menu.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 想买40‘ LCD的不妨看看这款,至少还算个牌子,而且costco的退货机制恐怕没有比他好的。
    • costco的viewsonic一直在降价,据有关网友透露,37‘ lcd很快还有降100块的可能,主要是为了给后来的40‘的lcd腾出空间。40' 的viewsonic已经不很远了。
      • 呵呵,你再回头查查,那个情报是不是我提供的?
        • 好像不是从你那儿知道的。
          • 那么,请你提供个链接。如果不能,呵呵~~~~~那么,请看这个链接——>
            • 那给40lcd腾出空间你也给我个连接。
              • 你信口说个什么我就得给你个链接?此要求合理乎?此逻辑正常乎?嘿嘿~~~~~
                • redflagdeal上关于viewsonic的讨论海了去了,不愿意再去巴拉来巴拉去找不来驳你... :D
        • 不过我真的建议你不要买V7这种xx。我倒是真的推荐买costco 37 sharp aquos,可惜的是到货就卖光啊。(还是据有关网友消息--不是你)未来几周会进货。
          多花几百块,你得到的感受会有大大的不同。对了 Aquos不仅有ATSC,还有QAM。也就是说你不用盒子,也能收一些rogers的HD台。
          • 真诚谢谢你的建议,问题是价格啊。这里说到价格,我想多说两句。目前各种新技术发展太快,数字产品掉价也太快,我觉得不如先买个看着,过几年更新了也不心疼,还能享受新技术。买个便宜些的看够5年就不亏。象我们提到的这些tv去年此时价格贵1000都不止吧。
            • 你现在倒是比刚才冷静多了嘛。
              • wrong!是你冷静了许多了。
                • 又来了不是............
          • 请问一下,QAM是干什么用的? 还有,如何实现“不用盒子,也能收一些rogers的HD台”?谢谢。
            • FYI
    • 呵呵,这款已经在那摆了好长时间了。VIEWSONIC作为lcd monitor生产厂目前刚刚进入lcd tv市场,还未经受市场的考验,而且据目前的反馈是质量问题较多,在costco的退货率是相当高的。如果有人想花$1300买这款40"的,不如等到sale时买42"其他知名品牌的。而且这款有个缺点是
      • 1. 你那个不是999吗?2. 不连HD效果比较糟糕,那是需要调整,建议你去redflagdeal好好看看人家怎么教你调整的。3. 这个带ATSC tuner,不用额外花钱买。4. 这个不是专供costco的,理论上比costco 52结尾的质量更好。5.
        • 1,999我不会买呀,我的目标价位是850。2,已经有买了viewsonic的反馈了,不连HD频道再调也白搭。3,当然有ATSC tuner要好,但ebay上一个专门的 tv tuner带ATSC及QAM tuner也不过40几刀。4,我认为说viewsonic40"比37“及32”及42“的质量要好论据不足。
          5,costco的return policy是目前最好的,可以建议网友购买时做参考。总之,这款还是贵了些。
          • 我们俩观点不同,我认为要买就买个稍微好点儿的。对我来说,viewsonic也不是我的选择,更不要说V7了。当然,由于个人原因,我将于今年下半年才能购买LCD。所以我不着急,这点跟你不同。
            • 我也不急着要买,但如果850能买到40“的我就可以急了,呵呵~~~~~
        • 我用的是viewsonic 32"的HDTV,如果收普通信号的电视节目是觉得不好,怎么调呢?能不能给个redflagdeals上的链接?谢谢。
          • 有个前提:不能怕麻烦,帖子太多....
            • 2987个帖子,你要累死我啊?有什么关键词提示一下么?我可以在thread内search一下。
              • 兄弟们呐。这个功课要自己做啊。俺又没有买viewsonic..............and try this one.
          • 收普通节目时有多不好,能描述一下吗?另外,你把这个电视连在电脑上用过吗?效果如何?如果用它放网上DOWNLOAD的高清电影,效果又是怎么样?我正在SHOPPING AROUND,想听听各方的反馈,多谢了。
        • Do you mind telling me the redflagdeals link on how to config the Viewsonic LCD for SDTV? Thanks.
          • #3594192
          • Also try to find this guy's post. I can't find everything for your guys.
          • i found it in the 2916th post. I did the adjustment, pic quality changed to be better, but no significant difference.
            • Is this the one?
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Originally Posted by Keas
              ok i thought everyone was having the remote issue with start up. this is the first time i have heard someone say they have one that actauuly works when they turn the tv on. what date is your tv or does it matter? mine is nov 06.

              i really hate to return the tv for another viewsonic about this but it is driving me mad especially when i need the volume down. do you guys think it is a remote issue or the tv? i am wondering if i asked for just a new remote if it would work.

              i finally got into the 991 settings and honestly didnt understand alot of them. could anyone give a breif explanation of each? also by changing the values in the 6500,9500,xxxxx temps will that be saved and work when i chose a setting like movie mode or does changing any of the setting later turn these back to default?

              i remember looking at settings on a previous post (688or there abouts) and will relook at them but again understanding what i am doing helps instead of just punching in numbers.

              thanks for all the help so far


              1) Its most likely a remote issue from my guess. Mine is Dec 06 build. Make a note for future reference, (it will happen trust me, its just the matter of time), your remote will go dead on you out of nowhere. Turn the TV on with the TV itself, press and hold the TV button for 5 secs on the remote, 0, 0, 0, 0. Now youre remote comes back to life.

              2) The 991 service menu. Note: When using this and want to go back to the default menu, you have to power off/on the tv to get it. Go to adv. pic adjustment, and turn everything off (except the DNR which I leave at high, but thats personal pref). Also set the colour mode to the highest one - if I remember correctly its 110,000? After selecting that colour mode, it will bring you into the RGB colour pallette. This is where you beef up the RGB panel (makes a huge difference, like night and day).

              Again, this is all personal preference) I like my display bright and vivid so I run all RGB levels on 175 each. If I recall, out of the box its like at 80? Very very weak settting, thats why the picture quality out of the box is so flat. Anyways bring it up to at least 120-150. Will make the picture come to life. Now, you have to do this with every single output you will be using. So if you will be using the VGA mode, component and HDMI, you have to repeat these steps in every single one of those modes. Be sure to adjust the RGB pallette in the colour temp option to the same levels you have in the 110,000 mode. I have no idea why Viewsonic put two options for having to adjust RGB levels, but not a biggie because once its set you wont ever have to muck around with it again.

              Gamma I leave on middle and I dont touch anything else in the 991 menu.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 刚刚注意到的,futureshop last minute deal. Sharp Aquos 37 $1500.
    • 借此贴对40,42”LCDTV 之我看: 欢迎砸砖.
      1. 价钱. 应<=1K. LCD 算是电脑产品, 价钱跌得理应比什么都快.
      2. 既是电脑产品, 就得有DVI->HDMI 或DVI->DVI 的借口, 而且扫描率>=60HZ, VGA接口在此不MAKE SENSE.
      3. 这么大的SCREEN SIZE, 1366X768 也不MAKE SENSE, 不是游戏玩家也要1900X1080 的NATIVE 解像度.
      4. Brightness>=500cd/m^2
      5. Contrast Ratio 1000:1 (NON DYNAMIC)
      6. VIEW ANGLE >=176度, BETTER 178
      7. Response Time <=8MS, BETTER 4MS
      8. TV Tuner ATSC/NTSC/QAM MUST BE integrated INSIDE.
      9. 这个最容易neglect: DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT(coaxial OR OPTICAL),别告诉我你用跟机的SPEAKERS, 因此SPEAKERS MUST BE detachable.
      10. 只有一样不CARE, 就是牌子.
      • ha..ha...agree, 只有一样不CARE, 就是牌子.