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多伦多地铁中有 Passenger Assistance Alarms (PAAs),用于在行车途中报告:火警,骚扰,疾病,事故,破坏,威胁公共安全等紧急情况。

Passenger Assistance Alarms (PAAs) are the black and yellow strips located above the windows and at the ends of subway/RT cars. Press the alarm strip immediately if you see or experience an incident that should be reported or stopped.

They should be used to report:

--- Fire
--- Harassment
--- Illness
--- Accidents
--- Vandalism
--- Threats to Customer Security

Here is what happens when the PAA strip:

--- An alarm goes off in your car and also in the driver's and guard's cabs.

--- A light on the outside of your car turns on so that it is easy for emergency personnel to see where the problem is.

--- The driver calls for emergency assistance.

--- The train stops at the next station and the doors open.

--- The subway guard or the RT driver will check the situation and take appropriate action.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 听朋友说一个真实的,发生Calgary C-Train在上的故事.
    一中国女孩遇到一白人年青人对她说:"Go back to China, otherwise I will kill you, believe me, I will kill you". 女孩吓得车一进站就下车了,尽管她还未到目的地. 如果你遇到这种情况,你会怎样做?
    • 偶就把别在腰后面的刀横在他脖子上,对他说:really? just try
    • 立刻打911。
      • 对哦,这是first choice
        • 就算有手机地铁开着也没有信号呀@@ 再说怎么告人家?一下车,人都没了,何况她是个女孩子.更何况口说无凭.我看除了忍了跑掉,势单力薄这个MM没什么别的choice:(
          • 我朋友回家的路上,偶遇一黑人,黑人冲他加拿大国骂,朋友国骂回去,在加两句。那人灰溜溜走了。朋友经验是不怕大个,就怕小个-小个爱带武器。女孩子不一样啊。
            • 咱要是有孙二娘的胆量,李莫愁的武功,咱也不怕呀:P
          • 最聪明的做法.
            • 没有选择的忍耐确实很可悲:( 可惜有的时候我们真的别无选择:(
              • 雨雨同志,握手! 我现在就是这样啊,无奈的忍耐.:((
                • 您那还叫忍耐啊,我愤特!
                  • Faint what a? 我怎么就不叫忍耐啊. 没车,没工作,每天都在花钱,不赚钱,还吃不好,玩儿不好的.不是忍耐是什么呀,小兄弟.
                    • 咱不是还有能干的孩子她妈呢吗?:D 怕个whatB-)
                      • 她妈关我什么事呀?(一脸无知的问).
                • 快开YM....
          • 多伦多地铁中有 Passenger Assistance Alarms (PAAs),用于在行车途中报告:火警,骚扰,疾病,事故,破坏,威胁公共安全等紧急情况。
            Passenger Assistance Alarms (PAAs) are the black and yellow strips located above the windows and at the ends of subway/RT cars. Press the alarm strip immediately if you see or experience an incident that should be reported or stopped.

            They should be used to report:

            --- Fire
            --- Harassment
            --- Illness
            --- Accidents
            --- Vandalism
            --- Threats to Customer Security

            Here is what happens when the PAA strip:

            --- An alarm goes off in your car and also in the driver's and guard's cabs.

            --- A light on the outside of your car turns on so that it is easy for emergency personnel to see where the problem is.

            --- The driver calls for emergency assistance.

            --- The train stops at the next station and the doors open.

            --- The subway guard or the RT driver will check the situation and take appropriate action.
    • I'm not from china!! I'm from guangdong. :P
      • 分特! 这个答案很不好.
        • 我本来想说i'm from korea的, 反正他们也分不清俺是哪里人:P
          • 结论:antmm遇到问题的第一反应是:开溜。:)
            • 也说不准如果我遇到那种情况就吓得出不了声呢:(((
              • antmm真逗,赶明儿不小心做了什么坏事,千万别忘了说是日本人。:)
                • 放心好了,我会说我是canadian的:-))
          • 当年日本鬼子打到头上,说自己不是中国人的的确都活得不错。言重了。
            • 重量级不同吧?如果是遇到流氓地皮什么的,何必跟那种人硬拼呢?也是想说如果我是从别的国家来的,不是从中国来的又如何?怎么就跟中国人过不去呢?高兴上哪上哪,谁管得找呢.
              他再试试,我也许会说:"go home and take care yourself, it is not your business!"
    • 法庭上见
    • Come on, guy
    • 她作的对。正确做法就是马上离开,然后CALL 911。
    • 加拿大这种事太多了,但目前白人的团体正策划一个运动,反对对 白人的歧视,9%的加拿大白人,在监狱中的比例高达60%。
      • 加拿大歧视白人???十足新鲜的论点,NEVER听说过。也不MAKE SENSE呀。
        • some English and French Canadian group ( not racist groupt) think that on average, they are paying more taxes than any other group with marginal benefits.
      • 9%的加拿大白人???
    • 立马press黄色的emengency条,乘警马上到!
      • good solution!!!