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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们的保龄故事:

保龄球运动 ( Bowling ) 是冬天很好的健身运动, 它集力量, 准确 , 定力于一身, 运动量适中, 男女, 老少 咸宜, 还有一定的趣味性和竞争性.

最近多伦多出现了一只华人保龄队伍........大家经常一起切磋提高. 比技术, 比球艺, 比体力, 比毅力......


We have some good Bowlers ( About Average 160 - 200 ) and hope will become the Best Bowling Group in Toronto Chinese .....

That is the our Bowling Sports Community ....Welcome you to join us in the Bowling Chinese Group ....

上次保龄球比赛 , 来了 38 名 保龄高手 ( 10 MM, 28 GG ) 参加了多伦多保龄球大赛.......

我们提高了保龄球技术, 强健了体魄, 锻炼了毅力. 增进了友谊……..或多或少让我们接触到了 北美的 体育活动。我们在实战中也取得了不错的战绩。

当然,最主要的是: 我们一直在进步.....

保龄球 队 Good Players 有 :

Chen Wenling ( Coach ) :

保龄球高手, 飞碟球....Good Control .....Very good Spare .....技术全面, 球感好.....沉稳老练......稳定.......动作流畅Have good Technic......Once play in Ningbo Bowling Tournament .... Can play average 190- 200....

Victor Fan ( Coach ) :

飞碟球高手.....打法先进.....Good Spin ....Good Strike .....Nice Control ....球感好.....稳定......动作优雅....About 190 -- 200.....

David Xue ( Coach ) :

保龄球高手, 技术全面, 动作优雅....流畅.....Good Perfomance, Good Strike and Spare .....Good Control.....Last Tournament Record : 217 .......球感好.....

Reg :

British Bowling Player ..... 加拿大本地外援.....保龄球高手, Good Control.....Nice Strike.....球感好.....Excellent Skier and Bowler..... About 200

Jeff Zhang :

Good Bowler.....Good Strike.....稳定.....

William :

保龄球高手.....冲力很大....Good Spin and Control .....About 180

Tony Zhao :

Good Control .....Good Strike.... About 180

Vincent Zhao :

Nice Play .....球感好....About 180

Tony Xu :

球感好....Nice Control.....About 160 -- 170

Kevin .... Terry .....

Good Perfomance .....Good Strike....About 160 -- 170

Peter Qiao .... David Zheng.....

动作优雅....流畅......旋转球.打法....原 密市 保龄三剑客......

蓝山飞神 :

Bowling Fans......Good Strike .....But not good Spare....原密市 保龄三剑客........About 150 -- 160

Wood 9898 :

Good Perfomance .....动作优雅....Nice Play .... Snowboarder.....

Toronto Robert :

Bowling Fan.....Good Player......

Frank :

From Barrie ......Good Player.......Barrie 地区的华人 保龄 代表.....

And so so.....


Joanna Zhang ( MM Coach ) 女队队长 :

MM 保龄球高手......动作流畅Good Control.....Good Perfomance......球感好.....稳定.....About 160- 180

Lisa Wang :

Good Control.....MM 保龄高手.....About 150 -- 160 Have the MM record of 177 for the last Bowling Tournament.....

Felicia :

Nice Control .....Good Perfomance......动作优雅...

Angela :

Good Spare....Nice Bowling Player

Dona :

Good Bowling Player About 150 -- 170

Jenny Wang:

Nice Bowling Player

保龄球队 其他 主要成员还有:


Chen Wenling....Victor Fan.... David Xue.....Reg....William ....Tony Zhao .....Vincent Zhao ....Mike ....Daniel ....Kevin ..... Robin....Terry .....Tony Xu.....James ....蓝山飞神......Arken .... Wood 9898....Frank Xu....Wendoul .....Bowie ....Peter Qiao..... David Zheng....Bill Xu.....Bei Bei.....Herry ....Jeff ....Don .....Paul …….Robert .....Jonny ...Patrick... Thomas.....Jack Zhong...David Dong....Jeff Fan....John Xu...Louis....David Chen...Brethfresh.....Raymond Luo.....Old Tree.... Dixing....Relax ....Simon... Robie....Alan ...Leo....Jerry...Hahaha...Dingdingdong....He Ming...Jay....等等 ( Maybe lost some guys .....)


Joanna Zhang....Angela ....Lisa Wang....Felicia.....Lilian Sun.....Dona Teng.... Jenny Wang....Connie....LilianSun.....Elina....Rosa...Suzy....Jessie....Amie....Maggie.....Fang Fang....Judy... Linda....Lili....Ann....Sophia ...Lidya....Holly....Christalclear....Fei...Amy...Angie...等等( Maybe lost some MM .....)

Welcome more GG and MM join our Bowlingchinese Group......

Welcome and play for the New Year Bowling Tournament at 11 AM ....Jan 21 ( Sunday ) Location : 5555 F Eglindton West ( Centennniel Park Plaza ... Dixie, Eglington )

Let us have fun and Play Bowling Together......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 我们的保龄故事
    • 历次保龄比赛 结果.....冠亚军....
    • 保龄球 基本技术
    • Bowling Goup
    • Welcome Bowling Player come from UK .....Jerry .....
      • Welcome Fan Guo Qing and Helen
      • Williams and James Xu will join us
    • 顶啊, 全力支持!!
    • 本次比赛有个主题 : 如何打好保龄球补中 ( Spare ) ..... 赛前和赛后....将有高手指导.....大家共同切搓保龄球补中要领....
    • We have booked 15 Lanes for the Sunday Bowling Tournament.....See You on the Lane...