I just passed upgrade exam on 70-553. There is a bit confusion on MCPD that I would like to share with you guys who are interested of obtaining the new version of certifications.
MCPD Web developer = (upgrade by 70-551, or 70-528/70-536/70-547)
MCPD Win developer = (upgrade by 70-552, or 70-526/536/70-548)
MCPD EAD (Enterprise Application developer) = (upgrade by 70-553/554 or 70-526/528/529/536/549)
taking the upgrade 553/554 does not give you MCPD on web developer and Win developer but only MCPD EAD.
There is a short cut for the upgrade for you to get all of the 3 certificates in 3 exams.
taking 551/552/554(NO 553), provided that you have MCAD/MCSD.
Hope this helps.
MCPD Web developer = (upgrade by 70-551, or 70-528/70-536/70-547)
MCPD Win developer = (upgrade by 70-552, or 70-526/536/70-548)
MCPD EAD (Enterprise Application developer) = (upgrade by 70-553/554 or 70-526/528/529/536/549)
taking the upgrade 553/554 does not give you MCPD on web developer and Win developer but only MCPD EAD.
There is a short cut for the upgrade for you to get all of the 3 certificates in 3 exams.
taking 551/552/554(NO 553), provided that you have MCAD/MCSD.
Hope this helps.