In Oakville, near Long Branch? I saw a post about musical played by kids. I think the name of the musical is "Anne of Green Gables". Maybe you can google it.
there is also a drama school in Stratford, i am not sure what's the age limit.
My daughter went there last year. Students took acting (and maybe singing?) classes during the day and watch shows in the evenings, and at the end they stage a show themselves.
常在河边走,哪儿有不湿鞋的。被你们忽悠来忽悠去,我怎么也知道几个名字,好像<The sound of Music>, <Anne of the Green Gables>, <The Phantom of The Opera>。有没有有识之士,咱把其中片段搬上舞台!
It might be possible for the first two, but I kind of doubt how you can make it in the Phantom of the Opera, though.
I saw the live Phantom of the Opera which starred Sarah Brightman, which was fantastic. Actually I feel it is too fantastic to be true. Amazingly awesome. :)