' Generate an FTP command file to verify that transfer worked.
set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile( DTSGlobalVariables ("TransferFTPVerifyReq").Value , 2, 1)
oFile.writeline ("open " & DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPServer"))
oFile.writeline DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPLogin")
oFile.writeline DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPPassword")
oFile.writeline "cd incoming" & vbCRLF & "ls -l " & vbCRLF & "quit"
set @cmd = 'ftp -i -s:' + @ftpcommandfile
Insert into tempdb.dbo.RequestFiles (Filename)
Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
' Generate an FTP command file to verify that transfer worked.
set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile( DTSGlobalVariables ("TransferFTPVerifyReq").Value , 2, 1)
oFile.writeline ("open " & DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPServer"))
oFile.writeline DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPLogin")
oFile.writeline DTSGlobalVariables("TransferFTPPassword")
oFile.writeline "cd incoming" & vbCRLF & "ls -l " & vbCRLF & "quit"
set @cmd = 'ftp -i -s:' + @ftpcommandfile
Insert into tempdb.dbo.RequestFiles (Filename)
Exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd