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Gate code 和房间号是一样的。来前最好打个电话,以确定人在

Tel: (416)754-4484
Email: wartonchen@yahoo.com
40 Carabob Court Suite 802, Toronto, Ontario, M1T 3N3 Canada
(Sheppard/Birchmount 东北角, 靠近Wal-Mart,在其西面, 不在Agincourt Mall内)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 百灵鸟! where is your computer store?
    • 我想在他家,八楼,他应该公布一下如何进去?有没有gate code什么得?
      • maybe need authentication and authorization
        • 在他家窗户底下大喊“天王盖地虎,宝塔镇河妖“三次,上面就吊绳子下来了。
          • hahaha...
    • Gate code 和房间号是一样的。来前最好打个电话,以确定人在
      Tel: (416)754-4484
      Email: wartonchen@yahoo.com
      40 Carabob Court Suite 802, Toronto, Ontario, M1T 3N3 Canada
      (Sheppard/Birchmount 东北角, 靠近Wal-Mart,在其西面, 不在Agincourt Mall内)