1. using IOC light container like Springframe work, put into bean application context, then spring will inject the configuration you want to EJB context, EJB could access the config at any time. or
2. keep it in web tier applicaion context, when the client create EJB, pass the config in, (create(Parameter param), check with spec), web tier application context is a cache.
3. bind in JNDI tree after container started (not suggested, since JNDI tree is container specific and not guaranteed to work the way you want )
2. keep it in web tier applicaion context, when the client create EJB, pass the config in, (create(Parameter param), check with spec), web tier application context is a cache.
3. bind in JNDI tree after container started (not suggested, since JNDI tree is container specific and not guaranteed to work the way you want )