2. dundas888(登达寺):4个名额(2大2小)
3. kittygirl(小资):2大1小
4. x888(让我做个梦吧);:1大1小
5. sz648(土匪头子): 2.5 (will be replaced by xiaopei(小蓓); )
6. armani7(枫月无边); 2.5
7. ****budwiser: 2+2
8. coast(海岸线):1
9. samlao(哪里是吾家); 1大1小
10. darkeyes(darkeyes): 2 adults and a kid. < r o l i a. n e t >
11. judy_an(绿腰): 我们家三口人
12. wise(不通啊不通); 政府老资政, 携小秘吗?
13. buwei(不为);:2 adults only
14. trail(trail):我们俩。
15. deneb(skydriver):2.75 people
16. jjzzbb(白色); (will not attend, mailing list required, pls provide your contact infor thx)
17. redriver(redriver); 2 Adults
18. littleonion(little onion); 2
3. kittygirl(小资):2大1小
4. x888(让我做个梦吧);:1大1小
5. sz648(土匪头子): 2.5 (will be replaced by xiaopei(小蓓); )
6. armani7(枫月无边); 2.5
7. ****budwiser: 2+2
8. coast(海岸线):1
9. samlao(哪里是吾家); 1大1小
10. darkeyes(darkeyes): 2 adults and a kid. < r o l i a. n e t >
11. judy_an(绿腰): 我们家三口人
12. wise(不通啊不通); 政府老资政, 携小秘吗?
13. buwei(不为);:2 adults only
14. trail(trail):我们俩。
15. deneb(skydriver):2.75 people
16. jjzzbb(白色); (will not attend, mailing list required, pls provide your contact infor thx)
17. redriver(redriver); 2 Adults
18. littleonion(little onion); 2