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Well, when they opened the resturant, the price was pretty reasonable. Then they put some ads on the local chinese newspapers and customers started to flock in this resturant.

These peope brought a misconception to the owner that their food was underpriced. So the owner raised the price significantly. Then people were not coming to this resturant because they thought the price was ridiculous, and didn't correspond with the rhetoric ads and flyers. To save their business, they were obliged to low the price to below $10. But unfortunately, until today they still cannot restore their business to the level of their golden times.

As for my experience, I think their price is good now and the food was fresh, better than some other hot pot resturant, but you won't have many choice in their raw meat and vegetables. And they charge for the soup also.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 紧急更正!我朋友开的火锅叫真味火锅,在steeles & yonge 北面500米路东,金马伦中心。我这个周末去一趟,回来跟大家汇报。yonge & sheppard的那家我不认识,去了可别提我啊
    • 你這周末是不是跟我去呀
      • 现在还不好定时间
        • 星期天吧
    • cx是你朋友?他也是我朋友啊.我认识你吗?
    • 昨天去的,不错
      • how much ?
        • $9.99
          • 是否个人火锅?
      • 敢问您哪里人?
    • Egg乍这么逍遥呀,整天胡吃海喝的? :))
    • 真是的, EGG你倒是早说呀. 中午就兴冲冲地去了. 进了门就嘟嘟囔囔: "一鸡鸡, 一鸡鸡,....." 结果, 服务小姐拿了赶面杖正色道: "你丫再叫唤, 我就把你切特了."
      • :DDD
    • Well, when they opened the resturant, the price was pretty reasonable. Then they put some ads on the local chinese newspapers and customers started to flock in this resturant.
      These peope brought a misconception to the owner that their food was underpriced. So the owner raised the price significantly. Then people were not coming to this resturant because they thought the price was ridiculous, and didn't correspond with the rhetoric ads and flyers. To save their business, they were obliged to low the price to below $10. But unfortunately, until today they still cannot restore their business to the level of their golden times.

      As for my experience, I think their price is good now and the food was fresh, better than some other hot pot resturant, but you won't have many choice in their raw meat and vegetables. And they charge for the soup also.
      • 我一定转达你的意见
      • wtf, just which one are you talking about, the one at yonge and sheppard or not, I don't mind paying though we are looking for a decent place
    • 还是很怀念锅子的半锅堂,觉得特别亲切.可惜...
      • 是关了还是搬了?
        • 关了. 到目前为止没听说又开了. 值得怀念
          • 可惜可惜
    • 火锅汤里有没有家鸦片(樱僳),如没有那就没国内那味了
      • 看来咱这儿有位‘瘾’君子
      • 国内那味?嘿嘿,似乎不是加罂粟就能出的。
        • 反正国内那味很特别,吃了还想再吃。在这从没再尝到过
          • 国内的汤是百家汤啊,混合了众多美食家的唾液精华,这里没人弄得出的,也没人敢弄.
    • 谁有那儿的电话号码呀?告诉一声行吗?
    • 您就是“蛋托”丫,去一家“托”一家,