Non-Canadian or Non-Mexican family members of TN status
holders are entitled to TD visas, which can be issued in
non-Canadian or non-Mexican passports. However, only the
Canadian and Mexican reciprocity schedules in Appendix C
provide data for TN and TD visas. Therefore, the number
of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-
Mexican Family members of a TN status holder seeking TD
visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the
TN principal alien. For example, a Chinese national
married to a Canadian would be issued a TD visa in his
and/or her Chinese passport based on the Canadian
reciprocity schedule. In this case the applicant would be
the recipient of a visa valid for multiple entries, no
fee. However, a Mexican married to a Canadian would be
issued a TD visa in his and/or her Mexican passport valid
for multiple entries with a fee of $100.00 based on the
Mexican reciprocity schedule.
Non-Canadian or Non-Mexican family members of TN status
holders are entitled to TD visas, which can be issued in
non-Canadian or non-Mexican passports. However, only the
Canadian and Mexican reciprocity schedules in Appendix C
provide data for TN and TD visas. Therefore, the number
of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-
Mexican Family members of a TN status holder seeking TD
visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the
TN principal alien. For example, a Chinese national
married to a Canadian would be issued a TD visa in his
and/or her Chinese passport based on the Canadian
reciprocity schedule. In this case the applicant would be
the recipient of a visa valid for multiple entries, no
fee. However, a Mexican married to a Canadian would be
issued a TD visa in his and/or her Mexican passport valid
for multiple entries with a fee of $100.00 based on the
Mexican reciprocity schedule.