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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


When Biden visited Israel in mid October after the Hamas atrocities, I was pretty supportive of him for it. I posted gratitude for his words and his willingness to stand with us. I was still in the States at the time, my husband had already left for Israel to rejoin the military, and I had my two girls with me as I still cried over what had happened. I felt, for the first time in a long time, proud that the president stood with us defiantly.

And then, in an instant, everything changed again. Within a few short weeks of the October 7 attacks, Joe Biden started to change his position without rhyme or reason. Everything became focused on saving Gazan lives instead of saving the hostages and ending Hamas. He started to publicly criticize Netanyahu and attack our military for doing what any country in the world would do. He started attacking us for not feeding our enemies. For not doing enough for our enemies. While our enemies both in Gaza and in the North from Hezbollah were raining hundreds of rockets on our towns and cities, he attacked us. He demanded, then threatened, that WE need to stop and do more.

My eyes were opened. In truth, it hurt. I was ashamed of the president of the United States. How could he stand there and speak so easily from both sides of his mouth. I felt betrayed. And I remember, just before I left the US to return to Israel in November, how he stood up in front of the cameras and defended the rights of the hate marchers and protesters up and down the US calling for and screaming for our death. I was so sickened by the duplicity and horror of it. I would think to myself “how f***ing dare he?”.

Then when I returned to Israel with my girls, at early pregnancy with my son, and wanting to be closer to my husband who was deep in the heart of Gaza fighting for us, I finally gathered the courage to say something about it on X. I started to challenge how Biden could betray us like that. I was so confused and enraged by it. And over the next few months it only got worse. It became the only thing I would hear and read. The hostages were a forgotten memory to him. Our suffering, the antisemitism attacking Jews everywhere. And then what completely made up my mind was listening to the White House spokeswoman being asked about the raging antisemitism on the streets of America, about the fear of the Jewish people, the attacks on them… and her response being something like “we see it, and we believe the protesters have a right to protest, and we will stand against… Islamophobia”. I literally broke down in tears hearing it. I knew the world had completely lost every bit of morality and common sense and was spiraling out of control. That for me was the moment I knew.

Then other Democrats started saying the same things. Kamala started saying the same things. Then came the whole “I’ve studied the maps” bullshit from Kamala when we were threatened to not enter Rafah. How many hostages could have been saved had we not been stopped from going in. And so I became even more determined to stand up and speak out about it. I’ve received a lot of hate for saying it, but I couldn’t stay silent. And then at the DNC, “They have a point”.

I knew then what I stand by completely now. America is broken because of the insanity plaguing the Democratic Party. I was never much into politics, but I had to speak up. They were behind the hatred. They were encouraging it and defending it. And I knew that I needed, as an Israeli and as an American, to stand up for what was right.

And so , as I did then, I say it again now. I am voting for Donald Trump. He is the only choice. He is the only person right now who wants to fix the brokenness of America. And the hatred and insane vitriol I get from so many liberal imbeciles for choosing right over wrong, for having made up my own mind based on the evidence I’ve seen for myself, only confirms that the only choice for me, and any Jewish American with an ounce of integrity, is Trump.
