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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

BREAKING: CNN just found out that Kamala Harris is a LIAR. This is simply hilarious 🤣


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / BREAKING: CNN just found out that Kamala Harris is a LIAR. This is simply hilarious 🤣 +6
    • CNN host instantly regrets having Vivek on after he exposes Kamala as a career fraud in just 60 seconds. +5
      • Hehehe, +2
        she doesn’t even care to be caught like this, she’s shameless! I guess the original reason that she’s opposed the wall is because “she prosecuted the gang members”, if the wall is fully built and no more gang members come in, she would just lose her job hahaha.
    • 民主党不撒谎才是新闻。Kamala今天说东,明天说西,满嘴跑火车。唯一肯确定的是:她是零元购之母! +2
    • 左媒对这货就是明褒暗贬,背后的大佬们宁愿让老川上台也不会给极左一点机会。猪党让她代替拜登就是借这机会把极左搞臭,让老川这种没有顾忌的人把两党建制派都不愿意干但又绕不过去的事情干了。之后再收拾局面,就跟拜登对中政策一样,保留大框架,只做局部调整。 +1