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X: What was the biggest red flag at the beginning of the plandemic for you that made you doubt the official narrative?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / X: What was the biggest red flag at the beginning of the plandemic for you that made you doubt the official narrative?
    • 七哥大直播
    • 2020年12月,政府要求人民不出门。土豆自己飞到加勒比海度假。 +1
    • 羟氯喹被封杀,医生开药被警告 +2
    • “疫苗”所产生的棘突蛋白能造成微血栓。感谢Dr. Hoff!他现在还在与政府的迫害作斗争。 +3