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Interestingly, the lefty media have forgotten about this simple rule for quite a while. The result is obvious.

CNN suffered its worst ratings among primetime viewers in the most coveted demographic by advertisers — dealing a gut punch to embattled new boss Mark Thompson. The cable channel, which touts itself as “the most trusted name in news,” drew just 83,000 viewers aged 25 to 54 during the week of May 13-19 from 8 to 11 p.m. — its lowest-rated week since 1991, according to Nielsen. By contrast, Fox News garnered more than the twice the audience in the...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 晚间娱乐 +5
    • 👍 说的全是真话,最后一声标志性的浪笑也是真的 🐺😂 +2
      • 我印象比较深刻的是那段关于significance的绕口令,演讲中拖时间通篇bullshit的能手就是她没错了 +3
        Source: 西行小宝
        8/24 昨日在Tucker的采访中,川爷对伪副总统乌骨鸡的描述十分传神。“She Speaks in Rhyme. The bus will go here and then the bus will go there because that's what buses do。“

        我给你们用大白话翻译一下啊。川爷说,“(乌骨鸡)她说话就像鬼打墙,每次你觉得可以走出去了,结果发现又绕回原地了,比如公车开过来,公车开过去,因为她是公车呀,所以开来开去。” 😂😂


        【西行小宝】Track C

      • 那标志性的浪笑真是点睛之笔!
    • 时势造英雄,没办法,哪去说理
      • 只有脑中无物的人才会把满嘴bullshit的人当作英雄并持续自high +5
        • 也是没办法的事,谁让人们害怕trump +1
          • “人们害怕川普”也是个假议题,其实只有民主党作恶毁美国撒谎陷害川普的那些人害怕川普的追责,然而追责是必然发生的,怕也没用 +2
            • Biden的辩论时的表现为什么没给trump带来人气的提升
              • Biden辩论只是暴露他自己而已,而且川爷本来人气就高,说没提升的只是眼瞎而已。 +2
                • 辩论后的民调trump的民调并没有很大的提升,
                  • 民调都是可以控制的,这你还信,请原谅我要笑你一下了。拜登不用被说懵,他自己本来就是懵的。什么20多次,你大概又是从假消息媒体看的吧。 +3
                    • 西方世界最好使的就是credibility,哪个媒体都知道如何捍卫自己的credibility,才能生存。因为都有误差所以只能参考
                      • Interestingly, the lefty media have forgotten about this simple rule for quite a while. The result is obvious. +3
                        CNN suffered its worst ratings among primetime viewers in the most coveted demographic by advertisers — dealing a gut punch to embattled new boss Mark Thompson. The cable channel, which touts itself as “the most trusted name in news,” drew just 83,000 viewers aged 25 to 54 during the week of May 13-19 from 8 to 11 p.m. — its lowest-rated week since 1991, according to Nielsen. By contrast, Fox News garnered more than the twice the audience in the...
                        • 优胜劣汰,自然规律,不管左右,吸引不到观众,自生自灭
    • 这不是段子。