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You are wrong. WASHINGTON, July 15 (Reuters) - Billionaire Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 马一龙说每个月要捐$45,000,000支持Trump +4
    • 👍 吗一龙花这么多钱也就能投一票 我一分钱不花也能投一票。这就是民主 无关贫富
      • But his money can help Trump to reach more voters. +2
        • I was being sarcastic +1
    • 刺杀之后川普肯定当选,这时候捐款好机会
    • 不可能吧,捐款有上限 +2
      • It’s possible. US campaign finance law allows unlimited donations to Super PAC. Musk is said to start a super pac to help trump +3
    • 他没说,而是据消息人士透露 +1
      • You are wrong. WASHINGTON, July 15 (Reuters) - Billionaire Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month +2
