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It tells us exactly how the left thinks assassinations are okay. Instead of standing up and saying how wrong it is, leftist have blamed the right for creating narratives that apparently forced the shooter to do it.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / It tells us exactly how the left thinks assassinations are okay. Instead of standing up and saying how wrong it is, leftist have blamed the right for creating narratives that apparently forced the shooter to do it. +3

    • 右派不是也同样这么blame左派的么?只能说互相blame。
      • Please find an example that any politician on the right called for violence against the left. +2
        • 如果是这个定义的话,你找出个左派政客说要对右派用暴力的例子?
          • Biden said on the call: “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." +1
            • 这哪里有说用暴力了啊。
              • In a Bullseye is an idiom : the center of the target in sports such as archery, shooting, and darts。 暗杀失败后,拜登都把这些暗示给取消播放了。 +1
                • 拜登在NBC道歉了他用这个词是个错误,
                  并澄清了他的意思:“I meant focus on him,” he told NBC’s Lester Holt in a short clip of the interview posted on social media. “Focus on what he’s doing. Focus on his policies. Focus on the number of lies he told in the debate.”
                  • 所以说他的言辞已经误导了年轻人,不论是故意和无意的。 +1
                    • 就这一个词?那川普在2020年一月六日说的算不算误导呢:"If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore." 然后他的fans就喊Hang Mike Pence并冲进了国会山。
                      • 大家讨论的是现在的事情和拜登误导。你却扯到几年前的事情。是不是和现在拜登误导有关系么?
                        • 上面让我举出个例子。几年前的不算么? +1
                  • 这哪里算是道歉啊,凭啥要道歉啊?这破事现在真是一地鸡毛,让人哭笑不得。结论就是:永远不要高估了选民的素质。
                    • 拜登确实承认了他这是他的mistake,然后解释了一番。
                      • 错在哪,错在讲话太文绉绉没有考虑到听众的理解能力?
                        • 我觉得他的意思是不应该用in a bullseye 。现在是非常敏感时期啊。
          • Seems you didn't click and open my original post. +1
            • 哦,我只是回答这个问题:Please find an example that any politician on the right called for violence against the left.