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有报道,拜登不退选的部分原因是他老婆Jill不愿意让哈里斯上。在2020民主党初选中,哈里斯曾经暗示拜登是racist;这让Jill很生气,曾爆了一句:“Go f**k yourself”。两个人的梁子就这样结上了。

Political insiders have exclusively told DailyMail.com that advisors are struggling to get past the role that Jill's loathing of Kamala is playing in Biden's reluctance to step down.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 有报道,拜登不退选的部分原因是他老婆Jill不愿意让哈里斯上。在2020民主党初选中,哈里斯曾经暗示拜登是racist;这让Jill很生气,曾爆了一句:“Go f**k yourself”。两个人的梁子就这样结上了。 +1
    Political insiders have exclusively told DailyMail.com that advisors are struggling to get past the role that Jill's loathing of Kamala is playing in Biden's reluctance to step down.
    • Jill让人不喜,哈更让人讨厌 +1
    • 我觉得这两位老头的危机在于一旦对方上台都会被政治追杀。
      • 名誉上追杀不成,经济上追杀;经济上追杀不成,刑事诬陷追杀,刑事罪诬陷追杀不成,Biden 已经在肉体上追杀川普了……可耻的美国人!! +3