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Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest
Another protest staged by Indian international students demanding work permit extensions and permanent residency is underway in Canada. This time in Brampton...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 考验加拿大的时候到来了,希望邹市长能像对待难民一样,张开双臂,拥抱40万印度留学生。敦促政府直接给这些抗议的学生发放枫叶卡,避免事态进一步扩大。既然来了,就是自己人了。 +1
    Indian students in Brampton DEMAND work permit extensions at protest
    Another protest staged by Indian international students demanding work permit extensions and permanent residency is underway in Canada. This time in Brampton...
    • 大刀阔斧地赶回印度去,不然迟早后悔。 +2
      • 就移民部那百十号人,还想着对付这百万大军,可能么?就不走,你有啥办法?每年遣返那百十号人的能力,等猴年马月吧。当时人家非洲难民,直接搁英法海底隧道法国这头安营扎寨,准备直取英国。英国佬一看,拉倒吧,赶紧脱欧。你以为这帮印度人不会安营扎寨? +3
        • 只有等冬天了,去年冻死一个不知道哪种民。也希望人们知难而退,到南方去吧