Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., expanded his criticism of gain-of-function research on Sunday, calling out Microsoft exec. Bill Gates for allegedly playing a major role in its funding.
除了你,现在还有多少人在喋喋不休地追责?看看这里,we are digging our own graves diligently one way or the other:
Fox News host Jesse Watters highlights San Francisco's decay and why visiting the city could turn into a 'near-death experience' on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.'
以前说过很多次,patient zero 出自武汉水鲜市场还是武毒所,实际上并不重要。病毒的归属,金主,patient zero 在哪里领饷,才是追不追责的关键。看看这篇讨论patient zero的文章吧:
New reporting identified a coronavirus researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who fell ill with Covid symptoms in November 2019.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., expanded his criticism of gain-of-function research on Sunday, calling out Microsoft exec. Bill Gates for allegedly playing a major role in its funding.