because the physical DNA is not everything, what ́s missing is the admatic or energetic part that is behind, but that science as it is known on earth cannot see or accept, due to its limitations. Basically, DNA is only the visible and physically manipulable part of a larger whole, as it is manifested in the physical world, that then gives rise to a living EXTRATERRESTRIAL PLEIADIAN EXPLAINS: BIOLOGY GENERATED FROMETHERIC PLANESPublished 17 July 2019 by Cosmic Agency, GosiaThe DNA is a manifestation from something above, in higher planes, interpreted in alower existential plane. It is part of a whole that is not being considered, because thephysical DNA is not everything, what ́s missing is the admatic or energetic part that isbehind, but that science as it is known on earth cannot see or accept, due to itslimitations. Basically, DNA is only the visible and physically manipulable part of alarger whole, as it is manifested in the physical world, that then gives rise to a living organism