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Transmutation of matter to a highly dense Electro-Static (Plasma) State seems to the the future of healing for our cells to obsorb energy from "higher dimensions." It was done in our Ancient past.

Nikola Tesla :
"If you wish to understand the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency & Vibration."

Those aren't 3 seperate entities.
They're a unified 1.

Think of using vibrational acoustics to not only carve ancient magalithic stone, but to levitate & move them.

The Trumpets that caused the Walls of Jericho to fall. What REALLY did that? Harmonic Resonance.

Since every atom vibrates via gyromagnetic precession, which is reducable to Frequency at its core, couldn't you then control all the states of matter?

Nikola Tesla :
"Light can be nothing other than a (Vibrational) Soundwave in the Ether."
Which is an undeniable fact.

Transmutation of matter to a highly dense Electro-Static (Plasma) State seems to the the future of healing for our cells to obsorb energy from "higher dimensions."

It was done in our Ancient past.

"When the bass drops!"

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