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从下面这个电影里和其它介绍蒸馏水文章里分析/猜的:搞NANO科技的科学家发现自己中了NANO PARTICLE毒后,要‘水’。我怀疑电影想说传达的真正信息是‘蒸馏水/DISTILLED WATER‘可以缓解NANO PARTICLE的中毒症状。感兴趣的可以看MARINA JACOBI的文章进一步研究

1. 1996年 X-FILE Season 6, Episode 9,片名: S.R.819 提前26年告诉疫苗的‘部分’真相。Nano particles in the blood is building a heart attack.还告诉大家这个Nano particles是可以被远程控制的。The X-Files: "S.R. 819"



Hey Marina,

I remember you stating that distilled water is negatively charged and that this was the reason why it was able to clear toxins out of the body.”

On the surface, your statement seems false (chemically speaking, at least), can you clear that up and maybe even touch upon it for everybody in your next video session? I think it's very important that we don't say things that can easily be proven false or badly misunderstood, which I suspect in this case.”




Here's the reasoning:


Distilled water is pure H2O, the positive and the negative charges from the 3 involved atoms cancel each other out, resulting in a neutral charge.

蒸馏水是纯水,3 个相关原子的正负电荷相互抵消,产生中性电荷。

In one molecule of water, there are 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.

在一个水分子中,有 2 个氢原子和 1 个氧原子。

In the hydrogen atom, there is one positively charged proton and one negatively charged electron. In total there are 2 positive charges and 2 negative charges from the hydrogen side.

在氢原子中,有一个带正电的质子和一个带负电的电子。氢侧总共有 2 个正电荷和 2 个负电荷。

In the oxygen atom, there are 8 positively charged protons and 8 negatively charged electrons. Thus there are 8 positive charges and 8 negative charges from the oxygen side.

在氧原子中,有 8 个带正电的质子和 8 个带负电的电子。因此,氧侧有 8 个正电荷和 8 个负电荷。

In total there are 10 positive charges and 10 negative charges. Thus it is neutral. Thank you!


总共有 10 个正电荷和 10 个负电荷。因此它是中性的。



And this is the Answer of the Council of 9


You are correct that distilled water molecular structure appears to be neutral.


However, with the spinning of the molecular structure of every human being the distilled water becomes in the negative charge.


This happens with the chemical unnatural intake in the body. (They meant when we take food or anything with toxins )

这种情况发生在体内摄入非自然的化学物质。 (他们的意思是当我们吃食物或任何含有毒素的东西时)

原书页号 29

When the distilled water interacts/ touches the unnatural toxins that are in the body become ripple effect and recharges in the negative because it has been mimicking the structure of the stronger frequency.


Technically speaking you are correct.


But what humans are failing to understand is that water has memory and can reconstruct the system of a new platform of structures. This is why it becomes a new system of a charge.


Go ahead and put a light through the water. Let that light go through two glasses of water and in one add any live structure or even toxins. We guarantee you that within a couple of days the empty glass of water will mimic the molecular structure of the water with the substance. But if the water is distilled because it is in neutrality - the end will correct and pull out only the toxins from the body. Because the frequency vibration of the toxins is stronger than the natural molecular compounds of the body chemicals.

继续,在水中放一盏灯。让光线穿过两杯水,然后在其中加入任何活的结构甚至毒素。我们向保证,几天之内,空杯水将模拟水与物质的分子结构。但如果水因为中性而被蒸馏 - 最终会纠正并只从体内排出毒素。因为毒素的频率振动比身体化学物质的天然分子化合物更强。

And this is the answer from the scientist Jeremy when I asked him if that makes sense:


Yes, this does!


It's the spin rate of the atoms positive and or negative from the distilled water that will cause the reaction to occur within the contaminated water and turn the water into the higher spins rates of the distilled water and reject that which does not belong. That's the way I see it.





Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 阿尔伯塔省不再要求医护人员打疫苗了。新招的人也不再需要打COVID-19疫苗了 UPDATED: AHS rescinds all COVID-19 vax requirements; NDP calls decision 'absurd' +12
    All new hires and students requiring placement in an AHS facility will also no longer be required to be immunized against COVID-19.
    • 那已经打的人怎么办,抽不出来呀 +6
      • 在户外活动时间长,受阳光照射多,提高了抵抗力。建议打了YM的也增加户外活动时间。肯定对身体有很大好处。 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 7-18 (#14691007@0) +3
        • 就是说,其实已经打了的疫苗并没有什么坏处,尤其是已经打过很久了
          • 这是OPENVAERS7月8日的疫苗伤害数字。死亡3万人,5.5万人终身残废。 +6
            • 看上去你们对政府意见很大,反对政府是很坚决的,可是又拿CDC的数据来引用,实在是不知你们是什么标准 +1
              • 给有些只相信政府的人看看CDC的数据。 +4
              • 用它们自己的数据扇它们的嘴巴 +10
                • 你是给这里的网友看的,想扇政府的嘴巴你得去政府网站上去给他们看 +3
                  • 好好想想,我为啥不上政府网站说? +3
              • 给有些只相信政府的人看看CDC的数据。 那些有独立思考的人会觉出政府的矛盾之处,并进行更多的思考和研究。从而做出对自己的健康有益的决定。 +4
                • 你这就是基本上游戏人生了 +3
              • new government will collect new data, and that will be SHOCKING. Until now, what is the problem using the ONLY available data against this shameless government? +3
      • 建议打了YM的也增加户外活动时间。肯定对身体有很大好处。这样就可以多坚持些时间,有足够的时间等待治疗疫苗伤害的治疗方法正式出台。另外很多人打的是生理盐水,本来就不会有事。只要别一针针打下去就行。:-) +3
      • 从下面这个电影里和其它介绍蒸馏水文章里分析/猜的:搞NANO科技的科学家发现自己中了NANO PARTICLE毒后,要‘水’。我怀疑电影想说传达的真正信息是‘蒸馏水/DISTILLED WATER‘可以缓解NANO PARTICLE的中毒症状。感兴趣的可以看MARINA JACOBI的文章进一步研究

        1. 1996年 X-FILE Season 6, Episode 9,片名: S.R.819 提前26年告诉疫苗的‘部分’真相。Nano particles in the blood is building a heart attack.还告诉大家这个Nano particles是可以被远程控制的。The X-Files: "S.R. 819"

        2. 摘自 Marina Jacobi, THE SCIENTIFIC DOWNLOADS


        Hey Marina,

        I remember you stating that distilled water is negatively charged and that this was the reason why it was able to clear toxins out of the body.”

        On the surface, your statement seems false (chemically speaking, at least), can you clear that up and maybe even touch upon it for everybody in your next video session? I think it's very important that we don't say things that can easily be proven false or badly misunderstood, which I suspect in this case.”




        Here's the reasoning:


        Distilled water is pure H2O, the positive and the negative charges from the 3 involved atoms cancel each other out, resulting in a neutral charge.

        蒸馏水是纯水,3 个相关原子的正负电荷相互抵消,产生中性电荷。

        In one molecule of water, there are 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.

        在一个水分子中,有 2 个氢原子和 1 个氧原子。

        In the hydrogen atom, there is one positively charged proton and one negatively charged electron. In total there are 2 positive charges and 2 negative charges from the hydrogen side.

        在氢原子中,有一个带正电的质子和一个带负电的电子。氢侧总共有 2 个正电荷和 2 个负电荷。

        In the oxygen atom, there are 8 positively charged protons and 8 negatively charged electrons. Thus there are 8 positive charges and 8 negative charges from the oxygen side.

        在氧原子中,有 8 个带正电的质子和 8 个带负电的电子。因此,氧侧有 8 个正电荷和 8 个负电荷。

        In total there are 10 positive charges and 10 negative charges. Thus it is neutral. Thank you!


        总共有 10 个正电荷和 10 个负电荷。因此它是中性的。



        And this is the Answer of the Council of 9


        You are correct that distilled water molecular structure appears to be neutral.


        However, with the spinning of the molecular structure of every human being the distilled water becomes in the negative charge.


        This happens with the chemical unnatural intake in the body. (They meant when we take food or anything with toxins )

        这种情况发生在体内摄入非自然的化学物质。 (他们的意思是当我们吃食物或任何含有毒素的东西时)

        原书页号 29

        When the distilled water interacts/ touches the unnatural toxins that are in the body become ripple effect and recharges in the negative because it has been mimicking the structure of the stronger frequency.


        Technically speaking you are correct.


        But what humans are failing to understand is that water has memory and can reconstruct the system of a new platform of structures. This is why it becomes a new system of a charge.


        Go ahead and put a light through the water. Let that light go through two glasses of water and in one add any live structure or even toxins. We guarantee you that within a couple of days the empty glass of water will mimic the molecular structure of the water with the substance. But if the water is distilled because it is in neutrality - the end will correct and pull out only the toxins from the body. Because the frequency vibration of the toxins is stronger than the natural molecular compounds of the body chemicals.

        继续,在水中放一盏灯。让光线穿过两杯水,然后在其中加入任何活的结构甚至毒素。我们向保证,几天之内,空杯水将模拟水与物质的分子结构。但如果水因为中性而被蒸馏 - 最终会纠正并只从体内排出毒素。因为毒素的频率振动比身体化学物质的天然分子化合物更强。

        And this is the answer from the scientist Jeremy when I asked him if that makes sense:


        Yes, this does!


        It's the spin rate of the atoms positive and or negative from the distilled water that will cause the reaction to occur within the contaminated water and turn the water into the higher spins rates of the distilled water and reject that which does not belong. That's the way I see it.




    • 医护行业都不再强制打C19疫苗了,其他行业就更不该强制了。 +4
      • 看老人院的了 +1
        • 养老院的老人都被打了3针甚至4针,而我知道里面有些护理根本没打第三针。这是我很不满意的地方,凭什么逼迫老人打三针四针?不就是拿老人做试验吗?! +4
          • 新冠面前老人与护理人员的生存能力有着很大的的差别 +3
    • 前两天看个新闻说,瑞典还是哪个国家,禁止给16岁以下打疫苗,否则算犯罪,加拿大禁止不给16岁以下打疫苗,都是根据科学,呵呵呵。。。。。 +6